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BOOK 23 PAGE 96 <br />applicable), administrative provisions of OMB Circular A-102, implementing <br />regulations of 29 CPR 97, NCGS 143-6.1, and Generally Accepted Accounting <br />Principles. <br />14. Riphts in Documents, Materials, and Data Produced <br />The Contractor agrees that all reports and other data prepared by or for it under <br />the terms of this contract shall be delivered to, become, and remain the property <br />of the College or its assignee upon tennination or completion of the work. Both <br />the College and the Contractor shall have the right to use it without restriction or <br />limitation and without compensation to the other. For the purposes of this <br />contract, "data" includes writings, sound records, or other graphic representations, <br />and works of similar nature. No reports or the documents produced in whole or in <br />part under this contract shall be the subject of an application for copyright by or <br />on behalf of the Contractor. <br />15. Identification of Documents <br />All reports, and other documents completed as part of this contract shall bear on <br />the title pages of such report, or document, the following legend: "Prepared by <br />(Contractor's Nonre) and funded by the Workforce Investment Act under contract <br />with the 110-Carolina Local fi%rkforce Investment Area". <br />16. Interest of Contractor <br />The Contractor covenants that neither the Contractor nor its agents or employees <br />presently has an interest, nor shall acquire an interest, direct or indirect, which <br />conflicts in any manner or degree with the performance of its service hereunder, <br />or which would prevent, or tend to prevent, the satisfactory performance of the <br />Contractor's service hereunder in an impartial and unbiased manner. The <br />Contractor further covenants that in the performance of this contract no person <br />having any such interest shall be employed by the Contractor as an agent. <br />subcontractor, or otherwise. <br />17. Interest of Members of the Council and Others <br />No officer, member or employee of the College, Mid-Carolina Workforce <br />Development Board, and no public official of any local government which is <br />affected in any way by the WIA activities, shall participate in any decisions <br />relating to this contract which affects his personal interest or the interest of any <br />corporation, partnership, or association in which he is, directly or indirectly <br />interested; nor shall any such person have any interest, direct or indirect, in this <br />contract or the proceeds arising there from. <br />Page 6 of 16 <br />