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the County, each annual payment shall be made by Duke Energy to the County during the month <br />of January. <br />The Parties acknowledge and agree that the foregoing compensation covers on- going, routine <br />costs that are associated with the County's provision of offsite assistance and does not cover <br />expenditures for the procurement of capital items (each, a "Capital Procurement "). In the <br />event that the County believes a Capital Procurement needs to be made and such Capital <br />Procurement should be paid for by Duke Energy, the County shall provide written notice of such <br />fact, which shall include a description of, and justification for, such Capital Procurement, as well <br />as the estimated cost of such Capital Procurement. If the Duke Energy agrees with the County, <br />Duke Energy shall, at its election, (i) make the Capital Procurement for the County or (ii) have <br />the County make the Capital Procurement and reimburse the County for the actual and <br />documented expenses incurred by the County with respect to such Capital Procurement. If Duke <br />Energy does not agree with the County, the Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to <br />resolve the matter; provided however that, if the Parties are unable to resolve the matter despite <br />the use of commercially reasonable efforts, such failure shall in no way be construed to terminate <br />the County's obligation to provide offsite assistance as provided for in this MOU. <br />3. Term This MOU shall be effective as of the Effective Date and shall remain in <br />effect for three (3) years; provided however that this MOU may be terminated by either Party <br />upon at least six (6) months written notice to the other Party. This MOU should be reviewed by <br />the Parties annually to verify that the County remains capable of providing assistance to support <br />the Nuclear Plant's Emergency Plan. <br />4. Entire MOU This MOU, including Exhibit A , constitutes the entire agreement <br />between the Parties and supersedes, terminates and replaces all prior oral or written agreements <br />between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. <br />5. Severability If any provision of this MOU is found to be invalid, illegal or <br />unenforceable then, notwithstanding such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability, this MOU <br />shall remain in full force and effect and there shall be substituted for such illegal or <br />unenforceable provision a like but legal and enforceable provision which most nearly <br />implements the intention of the Parties. If a like but legal and enforceable provision cannot be <br />substituted under the laws of a particular jurisdiction, then the illegal or unenforceable provision <br />shall be deemed to be deleted and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. <br />6. Counterparts This MOU may be executed in any number of counterparts, each <br />of which will be deemed an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one single <br />agreement between the Parties. <br />[Signature page follows] <br />