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Agenda - 3-17-14 Reg. Meeting
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Agenda - 3-17-14 Reg. Meeting
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01? <br />Womack asked that early retirements be considered, moving full -time positions to half -time and <br />looking at a hiring freeze. <br />After further discussion, the general consensus of the Board was to fund the SRO positions, <br />additional four (4) Social Services employees recently approved by the Board, 1.8% COLA for staff, <br />and increase for additional health insurance for staff. <br />The Board reviewed their Financial Policies Resolution adopted in 2007 and were asked to <br />review said Resolution and see if any changes need to be made. No action was taken. <br />At this time the Board broke for lunch. Upon returning from lunch, Commissioners Dalrymple, <br />Parks, Smith, and Womack were in attendance. Chairman Parks called the meeting back to order. <br />Ms. Minter presented the Capital Improvements Program (CIP). County departments along with <br />the Board of Education and Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) have submitted their 5 -year <br />Capital Improvement Program requests. Ms. Minter presented each request and the County <br />Manager's proposed time table for each requested project. Ms. Minter stated that Mr. Crumpton was <br />asking for guidance from the Board with regards to the capital requests before finalizing his formal <br />recommended Capital Improvements Program that will be presented in April — May. No action was <br />taken. <br />Mitch Brigulio and Bob High from Davenport and Company, LLC presented analysis of the <br />County's existing debt and the corresponding debt ratios. Different debt cases to potentially fund debt <br />for the community college and /or a new elementary school were presented and discussed. No action <br />was taken. <br />In final summary, the Board agreed to (1) ask department heads to do an assessment of their <br />departments to maintain current services and address what a 1%, 2 %, or 3% reduction would do to <br />their department, (2) include in the upcoming budget funding for the SROs, additional Social Services <br />employees, COLA for staff, and additional health insurance coverage, and (3) discuss with the Board <br />of Education what funding they will provide for SROs and supplements for teachers. <br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Dalrymple moved to adjourn <br />the budget work session. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Parks, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Frazier, Knecht, and Reives <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the work session <br />adjourned at 2:20 p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />Charles T. Parks, Chairman <br />Lee County Board of Education <br />Gaynell M. Lee, Clerk to the Board <br />3 <br />
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