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Commissioner Franklin D Wicker joined the meetisig,and <br />participated in the'further deliberations of the: Board; <br />The letter.of.Mr, Howard N '.Lee, Secretary of the,Departmenf <br />of Natural and Economic Resources, dated June 27, 1977,: to the Chairman, <br />informing him that'the County would received-grant in -the I 'amount of $3,.000, 00, ` <br />fbi planning' purposes was;read to the Board, <br />The Chairman'. called for action in filling the appointments to the <br />Lee: County Parks. arid Recreation Commission: The.Chairman- reported. that. the <br />Recreaton'.Cominission recommended the appointment of Mr. Alex Davis, Mrs:: <br />Jane-Struthers and Dr: Charles Tulloch, Commissioer Gordon A Wicker nom- <br />inated Ernest P,_! Gaster, Jr.. The Board proceeded'to hold an election among-the <br />_,four nominees and the results of,the election. 'were as follows: 'Mr;• Davis received:' <br />%five votes; Mrs.'. Struthers received five votes;'•Mr.,Gaster received, three votes <br />and Dr.'- Tulloch received two votes, Mrs,. Struthers, .Ivlr, Davis and Mr. Gaste'r <br />lhaving:receiveda majority of'the votes., were declared to be the appointees-to the Lee <br />CountyParks'and Recreation Commission,. <br />Commissioner Rhyne reported on the' possibility of obtaining a <br />"grant, to, complete'the.stadium af'Lee'.County Senior High,' Commissioner Rhyne. ' <br />xeported,that-the <br />property"wsuld'have to be transferred, to the County and held by, <br />Lit as'public property:before application could' be made; ~After,discussion, Comm- <br />issioner-Rhyne moved that the Board approve .of-the;concept'and express. its will. <br />ingress to accept title in,orde'r that such an application might•be.made. Comm- <br />.,issioner'Dotte;rer:seconded the motion and upon a vot t, was unanimously adopted: <br />The Board next -considered the. contracf.for-maintenance of the office <br />machines and the bid's received were as follows. <br />Sanford' Busmes s' Machine s <br />$ 3,`464:04 <br />:Mac's Typewriter Service $<32 857:53 - <br />Upon motion'of Commissioner, Dotterer . seconded by Commissioner <br />Gordon A.-,Wicker;;itwas RESOLVED to award the contract to the low <br />bidder,. Sanford Business Machines: <br />let, <br />The' Board then reviewed the monthly bills-as listed by the Finance <br />Officer-and approved" them for, payment upon5motioti of=Gomrritssidher Franklin-D. <br />Wicker, duly. seconded by Commissioner Dottexer and:whicl'_rn n;was` unanimously <br />adopted: <br />The letter"of Mr.'-,James L. Clerk, dated July 5, 1977, .to"the. "Board <br />' <br />of-Commi'ssioners,'was`read to the Board. Mrs Clark indicated'his.wil-lingness"to <br />accept're--appointment as County,Tax,Superviaor,: ;The,Chairman then declared the <br />floor'open'for nominations for the position of County Tax Supervisor,' Commissioner <br />Dotterer. moved that Mr, James L. Clark be appointed .County Tax Supervisor for the <br />` siatutolry'term. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker se.eonded the motion and upon a <br />vote it'was.unanimously adopted,^.,Mr. Clark.wa's declared duly elected'to'the <br />position of Tax,Supervisor-and, instructed to take and file the'.appropriate'oath of <br />- F - i . <br />office. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved- the adoption of the'following <br />resolution c5ncern ng:th`e Sheriff's application for a-g'rant fora crime prevention/" <br />juvenile officer: <br />_ z <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County, Board of <br />Commissioners herein called the `"Applicant" has.'thoroughly ` <br />;considered the.problem addressed in the subgrant application. <br />entitled Crime:Prevention/Juvenile-Officer ;and.has reviewed - <br />the project described in the application; and-' <br />