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voted for it and no one' voted against it. <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Community Development Director, ..and. <br />Mr. Edward Fleis; of Williams & Works, Inc.,,appeared,before the Board and,- , <br />orequested approval of;a change order to authorize $200. 00 to lower a man hole <br />cover,. $40. 00 to place. rip rap on a bank,. and $460. 00 to install,a.drain line at.... <br />the project for. the water, tank at the, Williams Industrial Park., <br />Mr'. Buchanan explained' that these items,.were necessary to satisfy the require- <br />ments of the City of Sanford as disclosed at',the final inspection of 4'said.project.' <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that $700, 00 be. appropriated from the <br />bond,.proceeds account to the'Williams Industrial Center. water. tank•pr.oject for <br />the items' enumerated'e'cha"nge order and the Cfiairman;be authorized to <br />;execute the change order with the Coker Blue'ConstriictPOin `Companyfor and on <br />behalf of the County. Commissioner Rhyne,;seconded,the motion and upon a roll. <br />call vote, Commissioners.Dotterer, Rhyne tFrank Wicker; Gordon~Wicker and <br />Cooper all voted for it and'no one voted against it. <br />Messrs.. Jordan and Rosser, of the Department, of Transportation, <br />appeared before the Board and reviewed the-secondary-road. situation in Lee: County <br />"and presented *a secondary.road construction work program for consideration by <br />the Board. 'Commissioner Gordon.W., Wicker, moved the adoption of the'following, <br />resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the North. Carolina Department of <br />Transportation,allocated funds of $77, 300 are available for rural <br />secondary road improvements in Lee County for the 1977-78 fiscal <br />year and `a public hearing was held on July. 18; z 1977, in the Lee <br />County Office, Building on expenditure of said funds: <br />WHEREAS] it is proposed fo widen the pavement on: <br />;.1. SR 509 (Grapevineyard Road) from the Saiiford City Limits to <br />SR 1537 (Poplar Springs Church Road) 3:55'miles (161;existing <br />roadway ADT- 1200-200vehicles' per day) '$32, 400. <br />2. SR 1133 (Lee Avenue.Extension) from,the' -Sanford City Limits <br />southward to SR 1136 (Walker-Wilson-Road)'0.4 mile $ 4,-0 5 Q:' < <br />WHEREAS, it`is proposed Ito grade, drain, base, pave, <br />and._erosion control straight down the priority list with available. funds, <br />.,provided sights of way-are available. Roads -to beconsidered'for improve- <br />ment during this fiscal year areas follows:' ' <br />1. SR 1543 (Hunter Road) from SR.1543 (end of pavement) to Harnett <br />County Line,-.1.O.mile. (Work: survey, secure-right of way, grade,' ` <br />drain, -base, pave, and erosion.control) Estimated Cost, $40,000 <br />2. SR. 1449 (Rev. Ward Road) from; SR 1434 to Dead End 0. .6 mile <br />(Work: Survey, :secure right of way, grade, drain, base, pave, and <br />t•.• <br />erosion control) Est.. Cost $28,000. <br />% <br />3 SR 1306. from SR•1305 to Dead End - 1.0`mile (Work: <br />survey,,; secure right-of way, grade, drain, base, pave,-and <br />Estimated Cost $45, 000 <br />erosion- control) <br />WHEREAS, it can be seen,that the total of these proposed pr%jects <br />exceeds the allocation, it is agreed that funds will be initially set up for " <br />survey and right of way acquisition on items 2 and 3 of the paving projects. <br />