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5, `-That the'Commumty Development Fund ufor€75-76 be amended <br />to show expenditures. of'$137, 330, 00"', d Revenue in the amount of $137, 330, 00, <br />as a fund=balance, a <br />6. Community Development fund for'1976.-77 bse amended to show <br />expenditures of $168,'575, 00 and Revenue in the amount of $168,575.00 from a <br />fund balance. " - i <br />t <br />7. • The Lee County Library Building Fund be amended to show <br />expenditures of $736, 523, 00 and Revenue in the amouiit'of-$736, 523, 00 from a <br />fund balance. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll-call vote, Commissioner's Dotterer, Rhyne, Frank'Wicker, Gordon Wicker <br />-and'all voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />An. agreement for. the extension of the. present agreement for the use <br />of the,Wake~ County Detention Home, was presented to the Board for its consideration <br />and upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, duly seconded by Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker,' it was unanimously resolved-. to authorize the Chairman to <br />sign the extension for and on behalf of the County. <br />The Board of Commissioners was advised thata proposed contract, <br />between the County of Lee and North Carolina Department;of Natural and Economic <br />Resources for the-provision of planning services was presented and'discussed; <br />that, under the terms of the said contract, the County 'of Lee will pay a total of <br />$2, 000, 00, as its local share of the planning costs. Commissioner Dotterer intro- <br />duced the following resolution, 'which was read: <br />BE IT RESOLVED, "-BY .THE BOARD OF- <br />COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF LEE: ' <br />1') That the contract between the County of Lee, and the North Carolina <br />Department of Natural and;Economic Resources' be and the same is. <br />hereby approved. <br />2) That the Chairman and the, Clerk be and they, are hereby authorized <br />to sign and execute the said contract for and on,behalf of the County <br />of Lee and forward the same to the North Carolina Department of Natural <br />and Economic Resources. <br />;3) That upon final. execution, a copy'of the said. contract be filed with the, <br />minutes. <br />Upon,motion of Commissioner Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner <br />Rhyne, said'resolution was unanimously passed, <br />The Board next considered the bids received for improvements to the <br />Multi-Purpose' Center for the installation of carpetingand. resilient type ceramic <br />and quarry the and acoustical ceilings and'insullation. The'Board did not receive <br />a sufficient number of bids and therefore it did not open the bids received and <br />directed the architects,. Williams & Works, Inc,,. to re-advertise for bids with <br />the bid opening to b'e at the meeting held; on August 1, 1977. <br />Mr, Elwin J. Buchanan, Community Development- Director, and <br />Mr,_ Ed Fleis, -of Williams & Works, appeared before•,the. Board and explained <br />that $1,.600. 00 was needed for changes in-the access road to the Lift Station in <br />the Northview section. Mr. Buchanan explained that these funds were available <br />from bond proceeds. Commissioner'.G'ordon A. Xicker-shoved that $1, 600, 00 <br />be appropriated from'the bond Yproceeds account folthe Northvview Lift Station project, <br />for the 'purpose of making changes in the access road and. that the Chairman was <br />authorized to sign the change •,oider with th'e Coket Bfde Con"struction Company <br />for-said work, Commissioner Rhyne,seconded.the motion and upon a roll call vote, <br />Commissioners Dotterer, Rhyne, Frank Wicker, Gordon Wicker and Cooper all <br />