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The bids'received for furnishing and. installation'of ceramic'and <br />quarry tile were as follows:, <br />Bidder 'Bid Tax Total <br />Ward Tile & Terrazzo, Inc.: 10, 157. 00 238. 00 10, 295, 00 <br />David G. Allen Company 10,770. 00 1180. 00 10, 95.0. 00 <br />The bids received for furnishing and installation of acoustical <br />ceilings and.insulation'were as follows: <br />Bidder Bid. Tax Total <br />Standard Home Improvement <br />Company 3,129.08 79. 92A - 3,209. 00 <br />David G. Allen Company 52175.00 50.00 5, 225. 00 <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne•moved that the low bid 'in-each <br />category be accepted, namely: Carpet-Eatman Carpets $2, 070.'40; Ceramic and <br />quarry the-Ward Tile.& Terrazzo, Inc. $10,295.00; and Acoustical ceilings and <br />insulation - Standard Home Improvement Company $3, 209. 00, be accepted and the <br />Chairman be authorized to enter into contracts for the installation of said materials <br />in accordance with the specifications and bids. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Messrs. Rhyne,. F. Wicker, G. <br />Wicker and Cooper,all voted for th'e motion and no one voted against it. <br />Commissioner Rhyne moved that the change,order no. 2 to the <br />Community Development project contracted by J. F. Wilkerson 'Contracting,Company <br />be approved for. the amount of $2,450.00. <br />Commissioner' Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll.•call vote, Messrs. Rhyne,' F. Wicker, G. Wicker and Cooper all voted for the <br />motion and no one voted against it. <br />The, monthly bills as listed by the County_Finance -Officer were <br />reviewed and discussed, upon motion of Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker,, duly <br />seconded by Commissioner Rhyne, ,which motion was unanimously adopted, upon <br />a vote, it was resolved to pay the.-bills jas, listed by the Finance Officer,and identified <br />by the Chairman's signature. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Community Development Director, appeared <br />before the Board and reviewed the'projects and their status, <br />There Iieing'no.further come before the meeting, it <br />was adjourned, sine die., <br />ATT T: <br />43 - . <br />CLERK <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />Presente for registration on the /A ~da <br />y <br />- of...~.-!t....19~?at ./..e~..Oo4.f..E..YM, <br />- . recorded in Book 8.........page_*....A...~~._ <br />Pattie W. McGilvary, Register of Deeds <br />