v ~ 3 BGGi; PdSr.'~{,a. .
<br />The motion was duly seconded and upon a vote it was unanimously
<br />"adopted.
<br />Mrs''. Prevaris Blue, of the Carr Creek'Community, spoke in
<br />opposition to establishment of the fire district and she,was advised that if the
<br />petitions were in order, the Board.had,po.-di'scretion in the calling of the election
<br />and she: should oppose the matter in the election held in that district,
<br />Mr: J. ,E: Heins, Mrs. Marietta Watson:ar d Mr, E. N. Baker,•
<br />appeared before-the Board on behalf of the `Parks and Recreation Commission.
<br />:Mr. Heinsreported'that he had received that day Mr, 'Baker's resignation as
<br />Director. Mr. Heins praised Mr. Baker' s-leadership.and efforts, Chairman
<br />Cooper also expressed his appreciation for Mr." Baker's services and the- Board
<br />expressed its collective best wishes for his future success. Mrs. Watson then
<br />reviewed the budget request.
<br />Commissioner Rhyne'then presented.a resoR,ition.designating
<br />Tuesday, May,24,' 1,977,-;as Teacher Appreeiation Day -''Commissioner Rhyne..,,
<br />then moved the'adoption oUthe resolution, a copy of which is attached'hereto and
<br />by this reference made a part hereof. .Corrimissioner Dotter.er.seconded the
<br />motion=andupon a vote it was unanimously adopted.-
<br />Commissioner Dotterer moved that the budget be, amended to transfer
<br />$566, 6.45.00, in-Revenue Sharing Funds to the'School'Capital Reserve Fund in lieu
<br />of General. Fund Revenue. ,Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion
<br />and upon 'a soll•call,vote, Messrs. Dotterer`, Rhyne, G. -Wicker and Cooper all
<br />voted for-itandnoione .voted againsVit.,
<br />Commissioner Dotterer moved that the budget be amended to show
<br />$200, 000. 00 Library Building, funds included, in Miscellaneous Budget to, come from
<br />Revenue Sharing Funds in lieu of General Fund"Revenue 'Commissioner Gordon
<br />A Wicker, seconded, the motion,and upon a.roll call vote, Messrs. Dotterer, Rhyne,
<br />G, . 'Wicker', and Cooper, all vded for it and no one voted against it.
<br />Chairman•Cooper'reported,he_=,had receivedsa:'request`=for, cushions
<br />on7the benches in the Courtroom in the area where jurors are seated. The matter
<br />was referred to the Courthouse Committee for its consideration:`; '
<br />Mr. Lamar Beach and Mr. Herb Fletcher appeared' before
<br />the Board and.'presented petitions requesting the Boardto call an election in "
<br />an areadesignated as Lee Trace Fire District, for-the purpose of submitting
<br />to the-qualified voters living therein' thequestion of•levying.and collecting a
<br />special tax for the purpose of providing fire protection in s-aid district. After
<br />examining the petitions and hearing the proponents,. Commis sioner,Rhyne moved
<br />the adoption of the following:
<br />BE IT RESOLVED that the receipt of the petition asking'
<br />for the establishment of `a rural fire protection district to be
<br />known. as- Lee.Trace',Fire District is acknowledged'and the Tax
<br />Supervisor is directed to verify that such petitions contain the
<br />names of 15% oPthe resident, freeholders living in said area and
<br />to report his finding to the Board and'if such petitions meet the
<br />requirements, then the Lee=County Board of Elections is directed.
<br />to hold and conduct said election as by law provided,' and to that
<br />end-the 'Board of Elections is requested to meet with this Board,
<br />at its next regular. meeting to set the date for such election.
<br />