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1977 - 08-01-77 Regular Meeting
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1977 - 08-01-77 Regular Meeting
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11/9/2009 3:17:04 PM
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10/16/2009 2:34:52 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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The matter'of the appointment of 'a voting delegate,to,the <br />Annual Conference-of the North Carolina Association of County. Commissioners, <br />was called to the attention of the Board by the Chairman. After discussion, <br />Commissioner C1ydc*J, Rhyne moved that Commissioner .Gordon A. Wicker be <br />designated as the voting delegate for the County and Commissioner Franklin D. <br />Wicker be designated as alternate. delegate to the 70th Annual Conference of the <br />North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, <br />The matter. of the•appointment of, the elected representative on the <br />Triangle Committee-on Criminal Justice, was brought before the Board by the <br />Chairman, Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker-moved that-:Commissioner Clyde. <br />J. Rhyne be appointed as the elected' official member of the Triangle Committee <br />on Criminal 'Justice, from Lee County to serve as the pleasure of the Lce County <br />Board of. Commissioners, Commissioner Gordon A.: Wicker seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote, it. was unanimously adopted. <br />The matter of granting an easement to Heins-Telephone Company to <br />install, and maintain a line"for communications and for the purpose of transmitting <br />electricity was the Board, Commissioner Franklin D,. Wicker moved <br />that the County grant such an easement and that the Chairman and Clerk be author- <br />ized to execute the general permit form furnished by Heins Telephone Company, . <br />for-and`on_behalf of the County. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman reported that the. annual-watermelon slicing for <br />Lee County employees would be held at the Agriculture Building from 2 to 4:30, p; M. <br />on Thursday; August 9, 1977. <br />Commissioner Gordon A.. Wicker reported to the Board'that Mrs. <br />Sandra Wilson had been appointed to the District Board of Health, „Upon-motion of <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, duly seconded by Commissioner Clyde J. <br />Rhyne; which motion was unanimously adopted, it was.RESOLVED that the appoint- <br />ment,of Mrs, Sandra Wilson to the District Board of Health, be approved and <br />confirmed. <br />Commissioner Gor.don.A W,icker,reported that a request had been <br />received from the Board of' disposing of the-.grease <br /> operated by the school and the l- <br />andfill personnel had, made <br />arrangements for th' disposals of 'such grease ' . <br />There, was a discussi n"concerning the activities of the Civil Pre- <br />paredness Department in supplying-, aterto, areas where the drought had affected <br />water supplies for home use, -:M Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne reported.on his visit to the meeting <br />of the Triangle J Council- of Government and complemented Commissioner Franklin <br />D. Wicker in the manner in which he conducted the meeting as its newly installed <br />Chairman, <br />The Board proceeded to open the bids received for work at the <br />Multi-Purpose Center,at San-Lee Park, The bids received for the furnishing <br />and installation of-carpet and resilient tile, were as follows: <br />Bidder. Bid Tax Total <br />Eatman Carpets 2,000.00 70.-40 Z,070.40 <br />Dossenbach's Carpet Center '2, 251: 16 90'. 50 2, 341.21 <br />David G_Allen'Corripany 2,•680.00 20, 00. 2,700.010 <br />
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