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BQOK O hACt c7 r <br />Grants Administrator be 'authorized to hire a .replacement- worker under the <br />CETA program to maintain the rehabilitation,creiv'at full strength. 'Comm- <br />issioner Gordon A,.Wicker seconded the motion.and upon a vote, Messrs. <br />Rhyne,, G: Wicker, and Cooper, voted for -it and F.' Wicker •voted,against it. <br />The Chairman declared the motion carried by_,.a majority"vote. <br />Mr.' Ed Fleis appeared before the Board and stated it was his <br />recommendation that'-the County accept the base bid of- V. M. Nixon. - Comm-': <br />issioner Gordon A.. Wicker moved that the Board accept the-low base bid of <br />W. M. Nixon in the amount of $11, 061.25, and the Chairman be authorized to, . <br />execute. a- contract for*and'on behalf of the County at that price. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the motion and upon a ' - ' <br />vote, Messrs. Rhyne,, F. Wicker, G. Wicker, and Cooper all voted, for it and no-one voted against it. <br />The Board declined to-act on the change•,order for the.general ' <br />contractor on the library project and requested that.Mr. Calvin Howell of the` <br />firm of Hayes, Howell and Associates, be requested to appear before the <br />Board concerning this matter. <br />There being no.further business to come before the-meeting, it <br />was adjourned, sine die, <br />WILLIAM H. COOPER, 'ClIAIRMAN <br />KENNETH R. H Y RK <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTS ' <br />Presen ed f r registration onthe 141day - - <br />of. S <br />reco ed inBook ..:.D 6 .....,.Page ~ <br />Pattie W +McGil}gry, Reglstor vl Dom'®S ! i . <br />