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~.1 ~lX4 <br />n <br />' Commissioner GordonA Wicker repor'ted'to the Board that`represen-. <br />tatives,.of the.City and-Chamber of;Coinmerce-attended the meeting of <br />`Department.of'Trarisportatiori officials in Car't_hage this+afterinoon and,presented the <br />requests -for highway,` improvements, <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne reported he 'had received several <br />calls concerning the,bridge.improvements on the LowerlVloncure Road which is <br />SR 1002., . Cominissioiier Gordon A: Wicker §tated'he would request the highway <br />authorities to:expedite'the project. <br />Chairman William H;. Cooper reported that the roof at the New Hope ` <br />Building had been inspected because of leaks and the, report indicated that repairs <br />would not be e'ffective._and the roof needed to` be.replaced,,The-matter was discussed <br />by the Board and then. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker mgyed that the Be and <br />advertise for bids to';reroof the building, Commissioner Clyde J. _Rhyne seconded <br />the motion' and upon a vote,` it was. unanimously adopted <br />The Chairman reported that providion had.been made in'the budget.:' <br />'fo`r the acquisition 'of=an ambulance and that matching funds were, available, -Comm- <br />issioner C1yde,J, Rhyne moved that the Clerk and Finance Officer be authorized <br />"to prepare ;and.file an application:to secure matching funds for the purchase of a' <br />-new ambulance:. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon <br />a. vote' it`was unanimously adopted <br />The Chairman had `the` a.letter he had re'ceived.from <br />' Superintendent Kenneth H, Brinson of the. Lee: County Board of Education, setting <br />.;.forth the..conditions under which Board'of Education would convey the,'atheletic <br />field at Lee County Senior`H' to the.Couniy. "Commissioner Rhyne explained that <br />the deadline for filing. the application*was August 15th and,therefore'the matter was <br />dropped because there was insufficient.time.!to prepare an application, -,`;Also,- from <br />'the informationr,prev ouslyfurnished the conditions. imposed by the'.Board of Educr <br />ation woul'd'have caused the 'application,to be.disapproved,. <br />The Chairman reported he had received a letter from the North <br />Carolina,Associatioii+of County Coxrinissioners thanking,the'County for the prompt' <br />payment.'of its dues:.. <br />Commissioner Clyde J., Rhyne reported that the Board had received . <br />a letter'- rom Mi:. Amos-Reed, .N C._Commissioner of Corrections; concerning <br />a contract about use of the local jail "facilities, Commissioner Rhyne requested that . <br />coiiside,rat on of this$'matter be-deferred;'until'the next meeting to allow him to study <br />the matter,, The Chairman asked him to report his recommendations at the next' <br />meeting.' <br />Chairman Cooper distributed a`list of the.pre`sent CETA workers <br />for`revierk by the Board, <br />Commissioner Franklin D Wicker Joined the meeting and participated <br />in,the further deliberations of the Board. <br />. The Chairman reported'that'the`Mental`Health~,A fl or`ity-liad.requested <br />authority .to use the County "garage •for-mino£r~ repairs and to'purchase gas for 'vehicles <br />used in Lee County only:. Commissioner FranklinyD. +Wicker'moved that permission <br />be granted for the Mental Health'the.garage; for,minorjepairs;and' <br />_to purchase,gas for Vehicles,used only in Lee County: Commissioner,Clyde.J - <br />Rhyne. seconded -the motion and upon a`vote it was unanimodsly adopted. <br />Mr, Edward Fleis, of-WLlhams'arid Works,'';Inc. appeared before <br />-.the Board and requested the Board' to execute.a change order, to cover the service - <br />of inspecting the welds on the elevated storage- tank-at the Clawson L. Williams <br />Industrial Park.' After discussion, Commissi'oner`Gordon A,'Nicker moved that <br />