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BOOK 0 PAIX <br />The Board next considered a :resolution which had been referred to <br />them by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. The sense <br />of the resolution was that the rate making authority be returned to the Commissioner <br />of Insurance and that the General Assembly repeal its action which allowed <br />insurance companies to increase rates without first obtaining the Commissioner <br />of Insurance's approval, After discussion, Commissioner. Clyde J. Rhyne moved <br />that the Board resolve to vote in favor of the resolution and to authorize the <br />Chairman to certify such result to the North Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners. Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon <br />a vote it was unanimously adopted, <br />The Chairman presented a temporary easement from the County <br />in favor of the City of Sanford, allowing the City to make improvements on Little <br />Buffalo Creek in the vicinity of the old National Guard Armory. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized and directed <br />to execute said easement for and on behalf of the County. Commissioner Franklin <br />D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />lVfr. Chuck Grubbs, the new Recreation Director, appeared before <br />the Board and introduced himself to each member. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne presented for discussion, a contract <br />with the Department of Corrections which would provide for the County receiving <br />$8. 00 a clay for each misdemeanant assigned to the Lee County jail to serve his <br />sentence, Commissioner Dotterer moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign <br />the contract and further that he be authorized to request authority to negotiate <br />for an increase in per diem rate. There was no second to the motion and the Chair <br />ruled that the motion failed for lack of a second, Commissioner Rhyne moved that <br />the Lee County Board of Commissioners approve in principle, the resolution <br />adopted by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners pertaining <br />to assignment of misdemeanants to County jails and further, that the Chairman be <br />authorized to negotiate with the Assistant Secretary for fiscal affairs in the <br />Department of Correction for a reasonable per diem rate for housing prisoners. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was <br />adjourned, sine die, <br />J <br />-4i <br /> <br />Preseer'ted (or re2~s4reaonon the -5 <br />of <br />r~corGoJ li ~ ~cl. _ ~ <br />Pattie W. N1c ,ilv;i°•, Ra of D~.:;. <br />