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Members of the Lee County School Board, appeared before the <br />Board and Mr. Mike Womble served as. their spokesman. Mr. Womble stated <br />that the School Board,had been authorized to acquire six school buses to'alleviate <br />the problems connected with busing the children to the new school sites and he <br />was requesting the County to provide the funds to purchase two of these buses <br />at this time and that the buses would run something in' excess of $11,000. 00 <br />each., Mr. Womble explained that they would.request funds in next years budget <br />to purchase two more at that time and also explained that ZA more children were <br />riding the buses this year than rode last year,, Commissioner Clyde J., Rhyne <br />moved that the Board appropriate the sum of $22, 933. 16 from the Emergency and <br />Contingency Fund to the School Capital Outlay Fund for the purchase of two <br />school buses. Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon.a <br />vote, Commissioner Dotterer, Rhyne, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A.. Wicker . <br />and Cooper all voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />The Lee County School Board appeared before the County Board of <br />Commissioners 'and requested assistance from the Sheriff's Department in con:. <br />trolling the traffic. Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the sum of <br />$2,000, 00 be appropriated from the Emergency and Contingency Fund to the <br />Sheriff's Department,' to provide services of deputies part-time, to direct <br />traffic as requested by the School authorities. Commissioner Franklin D. ° <br />Wicker seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Potterer, <br />Rhyne, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker-and Cooper all voted for it and <br />no. one~'voted against it. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that $60. 00 be appropriated <br />from the Emergency and ContingencyFund in the appropriation for the Miscellaneous <br />Landfill Operatioins Fund to: the Central Carolina Technical Institute. Fund, for <br />services in repairing and rebuilding containers through,its welding class. Comm- <br />issioner.Frahklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote, Commissioner <br />Dotterer, Rhyne, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon,A. Wicker, and Cooper, albvoted <br />foi it and against.if. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that the sun <br />$500.00 be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund to the <br />Social Services Fund for the purposes. of continuing the RSVP Pr~granz under the, <br />Council of Aging. The motion was duly seconded and upon a roll call vote, <br />Commissioners Dotterer, Rhyney Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A..Wicker.and <br />Cooper all voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />Upon motion ofiCommissioner, Gordon' A: -,Wicker, duly seconded <br />by Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne~'it was unanimously resolved to.authorize the <br />Chairman to execute the contract with Wake County for use of the Juvenile <br />Detention Facility in Wake`Coiinty._1 T f, <br />The Chairman advised the members of the Board thata Vice- <br />President of the National Jaycees would be in Sahford ongThursday, September <br />22, 1977, for a breakfast meeting and he had been requested to welcome him to <br />Lee County, and the others had been invited to attend and <br />meeting. . <br />The report on the approval of the water tank at the Clawson L. <br />Williams Industrial Park was presented to-the Board. <br />A representative of The Lee County Industrial Facilities and <br />Pollution Control Financing Authority appeared before the.Board and advised <br />the Board that the Authority, at its meeting'on September 15, 1977, had <br />adopted a bond resolution authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds to finance <br />industrial facilities for Trion,' Inc. and had authorized the execution and delivery. <br />of financing documents. The representative delivered to the Board a copy of the <br />Bond Purchase' Contract authorized to be entered into by the, Authority with Trion, <br />Inc. and First Union National Bank of North Carolina. The representative advised <br />the Board,that the other approved financing documents were available for inspection <br />in the office of the Clerk of the.County. Board. The representative further stated <br />Z,% <br />