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IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED THAT LEE COUNTY' <br />intends to join with other affected counties in Region J to dev6lop <br />and implement a plan which will result on the effective control of <br />individual waste disposal *systems, including.septic tanks; and <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED THAT LEE. COUNTY, <br />recognizing how important this goal is'to attaining the Regionwide . <br />goals of high-water quality and, good public health, -iriends to put the <br />plan to a vote before the full county commission within four months <br />of the time the plan is complete in final form. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously. adopted. <br />Mr.. Jon Moore appeared before the Board and reported on the <br />CETA'Program. Mr. Moore reported that there was a possibility of losing the, <br />employees under the Title II Program; 1-owever,~ e'would,work these people <br />as. long as he could and'tlfen transfe'r'them to Title Vl'positicns. Mr. Moore., <br />stated there.wer-e 28 people working undt r the Title II Program; however, un.: <br />employment went up in July in Lee Countnd. there was a possibility that Title <br />II funds may be coming back, <br />Mr. Jim Coates, Director of Social Services, appeared before <br />the Board and requested authority to'transfer 'the Title II employees on his payroll <br />to permanent position's on his staff. Mr: Coates'explained that he had two <br />vacancies which presently existed for permanent employment, and if he were <br />authorized to hire three additional persons, permanently,. he could utilize all <br />five Title II employees' as permanenCstaff.. There was an extensive discussion <br />following which Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the Director of Social <br />Services be authorized to transfer. three CETA workers to permanent'staff <br />positions, utilizing funds within his budget. There was no second to the motion and <br />the Chair ruled that-the motion died for lack of a second.- There were no further <br />motions and no action. was taken on this matter. <br />Mr, ,James 'Coates; Director of Social Services, presented a letter <br />of intent to participate in the Statewide Community-Bas.ed.Alternative Program <br />concerning juvenile delinquents. Mr. Coates explained that the local cash <br />contribution or the in., kind match which will be required of the County will equal <br />3076 of the actual monies received under this grogram, and under the formula adopted <br />for the allocation of State funds, Lee County is entitled to receive up. to $7, 139. 56. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer`rnbved that.the Chairman' be authorized and direct- <br />ed to execute the letter of intent for and on.behalf of the County. Commissioner <br />Rhyne. seconded. the motion and upon. a vote it was unanimously. adopted. <br />Mr. Darrell Mullins, of Williams,& Work s,• appeared before the <br />Board and the Board• open the bids received for,the light fixtures at the <br />Multi-Purpose. Center at the San-Lee Recreation and Education Park... The only <br />bid received was from Capt. R. O. D. Sullivan which had a base bid of $112'011..55,'- <br />with taxes of $440.46, for a total*bid,of $11,452.01. <br />The Board next proceeded to open the bids for the doors and frames <br />at the Multi-Purpose Center at the. San-Lee Recreation and- Education Park; however, <br />the only bid received did not have a proper bid bond and it was not read to or con- <br />side'red'by the Board. No furtHer action was taken at this meeting. <br />Mr. Darnell Mullins, of Williams & Works; reported to the Board <br />that his 'firm was now ready to proceed with the renovation.of,the toilets at.the <br />Courthouse and in his, opinions it would be:necessary to run a new sewer line to <br />service these facilities. This matter was discussed at length and Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker, who is Chairman of the Committee, to supervise the repairs <br />,at the Courthouse, was, asked to bring his recommendations to the•next meeting of <br />the Board. <br />