- BGGK ~i. ~7~GF 55 -
<br />"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of
<br />Lee County, hereinafter referred to as the County, file an application
<br />with the Economic Development Administration fora grant in the amount
<br />of thirty-two thousand dollars ($32, 000) to assist in the completion of
<br />said project, and
<br />"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mr. William H. Cooper, Chairman of
<br />the Lee County Board of Commissioners, and all successors 'so titled,
<br />be authorized to execute all application documents, assurances, and
<br />supporting documents for and in behalf of the County.
<br />"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County hereby appropriate eight
<br />thousand dollars ($8, 000) from its General Fund as local matching funds to
<br />supplement the said EDA grant in order to accomplish this project.
<br />"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Board of Commissioners
<br />authorize its Chairman to execute an agreement with Williams & Works, Inc.
<br />to provide architectural services in connection with the replacement of
<br />windows and caulking of the Lee County Office Building, for a fixed fee
<br />of six thousand, five hundred dollars ($6, 500). "
<br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a roll
<br />call vote, Commissioners Dotterer, Rhyne, F. Wicker, G. Wicker, and Cooper
<br />voted for it and no one voted against it. Thereafter, the Chairman and Clerk
<br />executed the application and it was delivered to Mr. Buchanan for transmittal to
<br />the Atlanta office of the EDA.
<br />The letter of GKN Automotive Components, Inc. , dated February 7, 1978,
<br />to the Chairman advising him of the firm's intention to construct an industrial
<br />facility northeast of Sanford was read to the Board.
<br />The announcement of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Albert Coates
<br />Local Government Center in Raleigh on Friday, March 3, 1978, was read to the
<br />Board.
<br />The Chairman announced that the time for receipt of bids for the purchase
<br />of two pick-up trucks had expired and directed the Clerk to open and read the bids
<br />received. The bids were as follows:
<br />Womble Chevrolet Co. , Inc.
<br />LaFayette Motor Sales, Inc.
<br />Slate Pontiac- Buick- GMC, Inc.
<br />Dowdy Ford, Inc.
<br />$ 9,453. 66
<br />9,373. 08
<br />9, 343. 20
<br />9,319.48
<br />The bids were discussed and reviewed. Commissioner John E. Dotterer then
<br />moved that the lowest bid, namely that of Dowdy Ford, Inc. , in the amount of
<br />$9, 319. 48, be accepted and that the sum of $7, 900. 00 be appropriated from the
<br />contingency and emergency fund in the general fund and that $4, 700. 00 of said
<br />amount be appropriated to the Maintenance Department fund for the purchase of a
<br />vehicle and that $3, 200. 00 of said amount be appropriated to the Inspection
<br />Department Fund for the purchase of a vehicle. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne
<br />seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Dotterer, Rhyne,
<br />F. Wicker, G. Wicker, and Cooper voted for it and no one voted against it.
<br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the meeting be adjourned until
<br />7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, February 21, 1978, in the Commissioners' Room of the
<br />County Office Building, Sanford, N. C. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded
<br />the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />The meeting was adjourned in ac rdance with e otio
<br />l c ~an
<br />illiam H. Cooper, G-ITairman
<br />Kenneth R. Hoyle, presented for registration on thelg....-.day
<br />Clerk. of-._-,- 19._78 at
<br />
<br />recorded in Book.................. page .._S~"-----
<br />Pattie W. McGilvary, ReSister of Deeds
<br />