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Boor 9 r J~ <br />Available for Programming $142,277.00 <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed to survey, secure right of <br />way, grade, drain, base, pave, and erosion control straight <br />down the priority list with available funds, provided rights of <br />way are available. Roads to be considered for improvement <br />during 1977-78 - 1978-79 fiscal years to utilize $65, 500, 00 <br />are as follows: <br />NEW CONSTRUCTION <br />SR 1449 (Rev, Ward Road) from SR 1434 to Dead End - 0, 6 mile <br />Estimated Cost <br />$ 21, 000, 00 <br />SR 1306 (No Name) from SR 1305 to Dead End - 1, 0 mile <br />Estimated Cost <br />$ 35, 000, 00 <br />Access Road to San-Lee Recreational and Education Park as <br />per letter from Lee County Board of Commissioners request- <br />ing assistance from the N. C. Department of Transportation, <br />dated October 21, 1977. <br />Work: Grade, drain, base, pave, and erosion control, <br />Estimated Cost <br />$ 9, 500, 00 <br />SR 1322 (Tempting Church Road) from SR 1322 to Dead End <br />- 1, 1 miles <br />Estimated Cost $ 35, 000, 00 <br />SR 1183 (Blackley Road) from SR 1182 to Dead End <br />- 0, 9 mile <br />Estimated Cost $31, 500.00 <br />EXISTING PAVED ROADS <br />WIDEN AND STRENGTHEN <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed to widen or strengthen <br />existing paved roads to utilize $42, 000, 00 during the 1977-78 <br />and 1978-79 fiscal years of the above funds. Roads to be <br />considered are as follows: <br />SR 1537 (Poplar Springs Church Road) widen from SR 1509 to <br />NC 42 - 1.9 miles. Existing 16' road with numerous drop offs. <br />Estimated Cost <br />SR 1426 - Widen from SR 1466 to SR 1423 - 1. 9 miles <br />Existing 16' road with numerous drop offs. <br />$ 21, 000. 00 <br />Estimated Cost $21, 000. 00 <br />