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BOOK F:,.Gi 6Z <br />Increase CETA Title VI Budget by $535, 975. 00 <br />to reflect increase in revenue from Manpower Consortium. <br />Increase CETA Title II Budget by $555. 00 to reflect <br />increase in revenue from refunds. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll call vote, Commissioners John E. Dotterer, Clyde J. Rhyne, Franklin D. <br />Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker and William H. Cooper all voted for it. No one <br />voted against it. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. <br />Wicker moved <br />that the Chairman <br />be authorized to advertise for bids on the <br />following: <br />One <br />(1) automobile to be <br />used by the Crime Prevention and Juvenil <br />e Officer, <br />and one (1) Cab and Chassis <br />for Solid Waste Disposal. Commissioner <br />Clyde J. <br />Rhyne <br />seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved the following resolution <br />with respect to paving of Secondary Road No. 1204, known also as the Ruritan <br />Road, be adopted: <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of <br />the County of Lee, has investigated the condition of the above <br />described road which is now a part of the system of roads <br />maintained by the State Highway Commission, and which is <br />indicated in red on the attached map; and <br />WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the services <br />rendered by said road and the traffic demands of said County, <br />it is deemed necessary that said road be improved in order to <br />better serve the interests of the people of this County. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, and the Board of <br />County Commissioners hereby approve and request that the <br />State Highway Commission make the following improvements in <br />the above described road: Paved. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Tom Haislip, County Extension Chairman, appeared before the <br />Board to inviite them to tour the North Carolina State University Campus on <br />March 9, 1978, to see the research being conducted in several important areas. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved the adoption of the <br />following budget amendment: <br />Increase Extension Service budget for equipment <br />by $2, 500. 00 to reflect new revenue from North Carolina <br />Extension Service. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll call vote, Commissioner Dotterer, Rhyne, F. Wicker, G. Wicker and Cooper <br />all voted for it. No one voted against it. <br />Chairman Cooper announced that he had been notified that Lee <br />County would not receive funds from the Governor's Highway Safety Program <br />to purchase an ambulance due to a shortage of funds and the needs of other <br />emergency medical providers in Region J. <br />