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211 <br />BOOK 9 rf:.a 69 4 <br />the hospital facilities and while such expression by the Board of Trustees is <br />neither an enforceable contractual commitment nor a covenant to charge and <br />collect particular rates and fees for hospital services, the performance of such <br />intention would reduce the property tax increase to 16~ and such increase is not <br />excessive for the accomplishment of such a purpose; and <br />WHEREAS the consumer rates will have to be increased by $50, 000 <br />per month but with increased use and efficiency the increase will be spread among <br />more people and the rates will be comparable to those charged in other hospitals <br />in the area; <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE COUNTY, AS FOLLOWS: <br />1, That Chairman William H. Cooper be designated as its repre- <br />sentative to file the application for approval of $12, 300, 000 in hospital bonds and <br />all such action taken by him up until adoption of this resolution is ratified and <br />confirmed, <br />2, That K. R. Hoyle, County Attorney, is authorized to employ <br />the firm of L•eBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & McRae as bond counsel to represent Lee <br />County in the authorization and issuance of said hospital bonds and all such action <br />taken by him up until the adoption of this resolution is ratified and confirmed. <br />