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A!L <br />96 <br />BOOK <br />Mrs. Beatrice Fields appeared before the Board and presented <br />the recommendations of the County Personnel Board which provided an across the <br />board salary increase of 67b for all county employees for department heads to <br />recommend employees for merit increases and that the Board of County Commiss- <br />ioners request the State Personnel Board to review classification for all covered <br />county employees within the next fiscal year. Commissioner John E. Dotterer <br />moved that the recommendations of the Personnel Board be approved and Comm- <br />issioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion. Upon a vote, all of the Comm- <br />issioners voted in favor of the motion except Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />who said he objected to the recommendation for merit increases even though it <br />was limited to not more than one-third of their employees because it would pro- <br />mote favoritism within a department. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it <br />was adjourned sine die. <br />~7 F'huf <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />Presented for registration on <br />recorded in Book. <br />.....9~ <br />Pattie W. McGilvary, Register of Deeds <br />