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E60r ?nG~ <br />The Chairman of the Board of Lee County Commissioners presented <br />to the Board for consideration and action a contract with Carolina Power & Light <br />Company for electric service, which contract is dated April 17, 1978, and pro- <br />vides for the beginning of service on the 1st day of September, 1978, and ending <br />on the 1 st day of September, 1983, <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, a Member of the Board, <br />introduced the following resolution and moved that it be adopted: <br />RESOLVED that the Chairman and Board Clerk <br />be and they are hereby authorized and empowered, in the <br />name of and for and in behalf of the County of Lee, to execute <br />said electricity contract with Carolina Power & Light Company, <br />The motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, a member of the Board, and, after discussion, <br />the resolution was duly adopted, there being four votes in favor thereof and no <br />votes against it. <br />The Chairman called the Board's attention to the fact that the nomi- <br />nations of Lee County Courthouse to the National Registry of Historic Places <br />would be reviewed by the State Professional Review Committee on the 11th day of <br />May, 1978, and all persons desiring to submit comments should do so so that it <br />would be received by that committee a week prior to that meeting. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it was <br />adjourned, sine die. <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY4 <br />ftas~nt?d for registration on <br />of---.-. _ - 1o8.. at/0.19Qn.~tM, <br />recorded in Boo 7......... page QJ.......... <br />Pattie W. McGilvary, Register of Deeds <br />