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v <br />ecoK 9 r".4 99 <br />Mr. James Coates, the Director of Social Services appeared <br />before the Board and presented the budget request for that department for the <br />coming fiscal year. The matter was discussed at length after which Comm- <br />issioner John E. Dotterer moved that the proposed budget for the Department <br />of Social Services be tentatively approved. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote, Commissioners Dotterer, Franklin D. Wicker <br />and Cooper voted for it and Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker voted against it on <br />the basis that he was opposed to the creation of new positions in the department <br />staff. <br />Mr. J. Glenn Edwards, Attorney at Law, appeared before the <br />Board on the behalf of the estate of Lizzie Morrison, deceased. Mr. Edwards <br />explained that Mrs. Morrison was the last survivor of a family which had had <br />substantial land holdings in Greenwood Township. That over the years, as <br />property had been sold, the holdings had been reduced on the tax books to 82 <br />acres and that following Mrs. Morrison's death, he had had a survey made and <br />in fact she owned something over 300 acres. Mr. Edwards advised the Board <br />that he had furnished the Tax Supervisor with a copy of the survey and had had <br />the property late listed back for five years and that he was prepared to pay the <br />tax assessment but was asking relief from the penalties which amounted to <br />$360.36. After discussion, and after conferring with the Tax Supervisor, the <br />Board, in its discretion, resolved to grant relief from the penalties and directed <br />that the Tax Supervisor or Tax Collector note the records to reflect that the <br />penalties were remitted on the listing of the Lizzie Morrison Estate. The motion <br />was made by Commissioner John E. Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner Frank- <br />lin D. Wicker, and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Dotterer, Franklin D. <br />Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker and Cooper all voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />The Chairman noted that a letter had been received from residents <br />in the Grapevineyard section and from Mr. Sammie Lee Pearson, expressing <br />appreciation for the rehabilitation project carried out in that area under the <br />Community Development Program. <br />Mr. James L. Clark, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board <br />on behalf of the Insurance Committee and recommended that the Board employ <br />the firm of Freemand & Company, of Greensboro, North Carolina, as an insurance <br />consulting service on property and casualty coverage. The letter contract dated <br />April 13, 1978, was reviewed and it provided for a three year program for a fee <br />equal to 57o of the annual premium each year with a minimum of $2, 500. 00 or a <br />maximum of $5, 000. 00 for each year in fees. Commissioner Dotterer noted that <br />the same firm would provide insurance consulting services on employee benefits <br />for 1-1 J2% of the annual premium or $1, 728. 00. Commissioner Dotterer then <br />moved that the County employ Freeman & Company as insurance consultants <br />for both property and casualty coverage and for employee benefits. Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Elwin J.. Buchanan, Grants Director, appeared before the <br />Board and reported that in addition to the letters sent to the County from the <br />people in the Grapevineyard area, that similar letters had been sent to the <br />HUD office in Greensboro. Mr. Buchanan reported that he had consulted with <br />the firm of Williams & Works about assistance in preparing the pre-application <br />and application for the Community Development Program and had received quo- <br />tations from them for $1, 500. 00 for the services in assisting with the pre- <br />application documents and $1, 500. 00 for the formal application. After discussion, <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that Williams & Works be employed to <br />assist in preparing the pre-application for the 1978 Community Development <br />Program. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote, <br />Commissioners Dotterer, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker and Cooper <br />voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />