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4 ; . ® eaoY r~cr'~ <br />Upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer, duly seconded by <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, it was resolved to declare May 23, 1978, as <br />Teacher Appreciation Day and to authorize the Chairman to issue a proclamation <br />to that effect. <br />The letter of Mr, Larry M. Ray, Manager of Operations of the <br />Switch-Gear Division of Siemens-Allis, concerning the loop water line which <br />would pass near the Northview Community section was read to the Board. <br />The Clerk read to the Board the provisions of the Machinery Act <br />which authorized them to appoint a separate Board of Equalization and Review. <br />Chairman Cooper reported that Mr. Boyce Cox's term as a member <br />of the Lee County Planning Board would expire shortly and Mr. Cox has indicated <br />he does not desire to be re-appointed andthehefor&,ethe Board would be giving consid- <br />eration to the appointment of some person to this position. <br />The letter of the family of Mr. B. M. Curtin, acknowledging the <br />Board's expression of sympathy was read to the Board. <br />The letter of Mr. Dennis R. Barry, General Director of the North <br />Carolina Memorial Hospital at Chapel Hill, concerning un-reimbursed services <br />rendered to residents of Lee County, was read to the Board. <br />The letter of Mr. M;nWoodrow Price, Chairman of the North <br />Carolina Conservation Law Study Committee concerning local laws applicable <br />to Lee County which would be effected by the proposed action to revise and consol- <br />idate the Game Laws of the State of North Carolina, was read to the Board. <br />The Board was reminded that the Spring Legislative Confernece <br />would be held May 26, 1978 and May 27, 1978, at the Sheraton=Crabtree Motor <br />Inn, Raleigh, North Carolina, and they were asked to notify the Finance Officer <br />if they desired to attend and if they desired for her to make reservations for their <br />lodging and meals. <br />It was announced that the 43rd Annual Confernece of the National <br />Association of County Officials would be held in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 8th <br />through the 13th, 1978. The members were asked to please notify the Finance <br />Officer as soon as possible if they expected to attend in order for her to secure <br />reservations at the same hotel with other North Carolina Delegations. <br />It was announced that the Division of Community Assistance and <br />the Center for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of North Carolina at <br />Chapel Hill are sponsoring Downtown Revitalization Work Shops during the month <br />of May. The members were asked to notify the Finance Officer if they desired to <br />attend any one of the three work shops in order that she might make reservations <br />for their attendance. <br />The Tax Supervisor reported that Mr. Clarence Anthony Gray of <br />410 McIntosh Street, had paid the sum of $14. 40 as tax and penalty on a 1973 <br />Volkswagon automobile for the year 1977, and that this property had been double <br />listed. Mr. Gray has requested in writing that he be refunded the funds which had <br />been doubly paid and upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer, seconded by Comm- <br />issioner Gordon A. Wicker, the Tax Supervisor was directed and authorized to refund <br />the $14.40 to Mr. Clarence Anthony Gray in keeping with the recommendation of <br />the Tax Supervisor. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Dotterer, Rhyne, <br />Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker and Cooper all voted for it and no one <br />voted against it. <br />