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° <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, seconded the motion and upon a' <br />roll call vote,, Commissioners,IRhyne, F` Wicker, G:, Wicker, and Cooper voted <br />for it and no one. voted against it. . <br />Mrs, 'Fields presented a list ofambulance bills totaling $70, 967. 92, <br />dating from the beginning.of the ambulance program (7-1-67) until April 1, 1975, <br />that have, not been collected despite the efforts: of"the `staff and a collection agency. <br />Mrs. Fields requested that the Finance'Offic`e be allowed to retire these accounts <br />from the, active filesalthough the credit bureau will still try to collect the accounts, <br />The request was approved unanimously, upon a'motion made, seconded, and <br />adopted upon a vote. - <br />Commissioner Franklin D.'Wicker moved.that intrafund transfers <br />within the Department`°of Social Services Fund _be made, as follows:. <br />(a) Transfer $6, 636, o0 frorn'llne item AFDC, 42-610.19a to the <br />following line items indicated:' <br />Line.'Item ;Amount <br />42-610-05, FICA 210.00 42-610-06,•'Group Insurance 2,;166:00 <br />42=610=11, Telephone 203 00 ° <br />42=610-14`-Travel. 636 00.` ° <br />42-61'0-191,: Special Assistance 3,421.00 (b) Amend budget"to show receipts 'of.$49 956: 00 -from N a C <br />Department of Social Services and expenditures of-°$4% 956. 001to'•Lee Housing <br />Home Improvement. - Commissioner "Clyde,'J Rhyne. second_ e.dtthe'motion and <br />upon a'roll call vote,..Commissioners Rhyne,"F- Wicker, G ' Wicker, and Cooper . <br />g 4ALLa' <br />voted for it and no one-voted against it. <br />Commissioner Clyde,J.'Rhyne movedithat ihtrafund'transfers <br />within the Parks and Recreation Department 'Fund"be•-made as'follows Transfer the <br />sums indicated from the.following accounts:' <br />Account'` Amount <br />Professional Services 04 5,600.00 <br />FICA .05 500.00 <br />Utilities 13 3, 500 00 ' <br />Building Maintenance .-1-5c 1, 300.00 . <br />Maintenance Auto 17 - Z,000.00 <br />' Rent`.- . = 21 300 00 <br />Insurance Bonds-, 54 800.90 <br />N. C. 'Blind Comm. 78` 2, 460 00 <br />and transfer the 'sums 'indicated to the following accounts: <br />Account Amount <br />Group Insurance' 06 960 0.0 <br />Telephone& Postage :T1 22 800.00 <br /> <br />Travel 51000.00 <br />Non:Athletic Supplies - 33c 5,000.'00 <br />Dues & Subscriptions 53: 500:00 <br />Miscellaneous . 75 1, 500. 00 _ <br />- Facility Development 7.3 100.00- <br />'.Sales Tax z"000.00 <br />Commissioner Franklin D.-Wicker seconded'.the motion and•'upona roll <br />call vote, .Co'mmissione'rs Rhyne, F. Wicker,- d. Wicker, and Cooper voted <br />for the motion and no one voted _against it. <br />. <br />