goon' 9 ~ct17~
<br />Chairman William H' Cooper announced the reappointment of
<br />Mr. F. Jefferson Ward to the Board of the Harnett-Lee Mental Health Depart-
<br />ment,
<br />The letter from Mrs; Claudia Cox, President of the Nan Howard
<br />Chapter, AFS International Scholarships, to the Board inviting them to a ,picnic
<br />at 7:00 o'clock P. M. Thursday, July k6, 1978, at O, T. Sloan Park, was read
<br />to the Board.
<br />The letter from Childress-Roberts, Inc., dated June 30, 1978,
<br />confirming the insurance coverage in keeping with the bids taken on June 30, 1978,
<br />was read to the Board,
<br />i
<br />Change Order No. E_2 to the Library Building Contract, which
<br />allows an additional $141. 00 to Griffin Electric Company, to change the lighting
<br />fixtures in the director's office due to lowering the ceilings was presented to the
<br />Board. After discussion, the Board approved the change order and authorized the
<br />Chairman to execute it on behalf of the County, upon motion of Commissioner
<br />John E. Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, which motion
<br />was unanimously adopted.
<br />Change Order No. H'2, to the Library Building contract which allows
<br />an additional $172.00 to T. R. Driscoll Sheet Metal Works, Inc., for extending
<br />duct work into the lobby area was presented to the Board. After discussion, the
<br />Board approved the change order and authorized the Chairman to execute it on
<br />behalf of the County, upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer, seconded by
<br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker,: which motion was unanimously adopted upon a
<br />vote.
<br />The list of applicants' for the position of County forest ranger was
<br />read to the Board. It was directed that the applications be sent to the District
<br />Forest Ranger for review and his recommendations upon motion of Commissioner
<br />Gordon A. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, which motion
<br />was unanimously adopted upon a vote.
<br />The contract for the completion of the tax mapping project with
<br />Landmark Engineering Company, Inc., was presented to the Board. The execution
<br />of the contract was authorized upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer,
<br />seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker,, which motion was adopted by a
<br />majority vote with all Commissioners voting for it except Commissioner Gordon
<br />A. Wicker.
<br />The lease for the building known as the Agricultural Building,
<br />Jonesboro Elementary School, from the Lee County Board of Education, was
<br />presented to the Board. The execution of the contract was authorized upon motion
<br />of Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker,
<br />which motion was unanimously adopted upon a vote.
<br />Mr. Darrell Mullins,
<br />appeared before the Board and open4
<br />systems on the second floor of the C
<br />received but they were from two ref
<br />started so as not to interfere with tl
<br />estimated the cost of the project wo,
<br />made, seconded, and duly adopted,
<br />the public interest to re-advertise f
<br />open the bids. The bids received ax
<br />hereto as Exhibit "D" and by this re
<br />Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the low k
<br />Dotterer seconded the motion and ul
<br />of'the firm of Williams & Works, Inc.,
<br />d the bids for the heating and air-conditioning
<br />ounty Office Building. Only two bids were
<br />utable local firms and the work needed to be
<br />e window renovation project and Mr. Mullins
<br />Id be less than $30, 000. 00. Upon motion
<br />he Board found as a fact that it would not be in
<br />r bids. The Board directed'Mr. Mullins to
<br />e listed on the bid tabulation sheet attached
<br />erence made a part hereof. Commissioner
<br />id be accepted. Commissioner John E.
<br />on a roll call vote, Commissioners Dotterer,
<br />