g P ?38
<br />- - - -
<br />WHEREAS, certain areas of the County of Lee are subject to
<br />periodic flooding, mudslides (i.'e'., mud-Flows), or flood-related
<br />erosion, causing serious damages to properties within these areas;
<br />and
<br />iv,:EREAS, relief is available in the form of Federally
<br />subsidized flood insurance as authorized by the National Flood
<br />Insurance Act of 1968; and
<br />WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board of Commissioners to
<br />require the recognition and evaluation of flood, mudslide (i. e.,
<br />mudflow), or flood-related erosion hazards in all official actions
<br />relating to land use in areas having these hazards; and
<br />WHEREAS, this body has the legal authority to adopt land use
<br />and control measures to reduce future flood losses Pursuant to
<br />Article 21, Part 6, Chapter 143 and Article 19, Chapter 160A of
<br />the General Statues of North Carolina,
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board of
<br />Commissioners hereby:
<br />1. Assures the Federal Insurance Administration that it
<br />will enact as necessary, and maintain in force in those areas having
<br />flood, mudslide, or flood-related erosion hazards, adequate land use
<br />and control measures with effective enforcement provisions consistent
<br />with the Criteria set forth in Section 1910 of the National Flood
<br />Insurance Program Regulations; and
<br />2. Vests the Building Inspector with the responsibility,
<br />authority, and means to:
<br />(a) Assist the Adn;inist_ator, at h'S equest, in his 6eli7l_
<br />-i On of the limits of the area having special flood, mudslide (i ,
<br />mud,flow), Or rlDod-related erasiDn nazarCs.
<br />(b) Provide such inforr,ation as the Administrator may rea-,:esz
<br />concerning present uses and occupancy of the flood plain, mudslide
<br />(i.e., mudflow) or flood-related erosion area.
<br />(c) Cooperate with Federal, State, and local agencies and
<br />private firms which undertake to study, slLnvev, mHD, and, ldenti:v
<br />flood Plain, mudslide (i e. m'.Idf lo:a) , or flood-related, erosion pied,:f. ,
<br />and cooperate with neighboring communities with respect to manaceme::-_
<br />of adjoining flood plain, mudslide (i.e., r.,udflow) and/or flood-
<br />related erosion areas in order to Prevent agc_ravatlon of existing
<br />hazards.
<br />(d) Submit on the anniversary date of the comimum ty's
<br />initial eligibility an annual report to the Administrator on the
<br />progress made during the past year within the community in the
<br />development and implementation of flood plait, manauemer.t measures.
<br />(e) Upon occurence, notify the Administrator in wrthin:
<br />whenever the boundaries CT_ the community have been itOuif led h ar.-
<br />nexatlon of the communi has Otherwise assumed or no lonoe: hcs
<br />authority to adopt and en. orce flood-Dlaln manaz;e?lent regulations
<br />for a Particular area. In order that all Flood Hazard Boundary
<br />raps and Flood Insurance Rate traps accurately represent the
<br />community's boundaries, include within such notification a co D',' o_`
<br />a map of the community suitable for reproduction, clearly delin-
<br />eating the new corporate limits or new area for which the community
<br />has assumed or relinquished flood plain management regulatory authc=i _
<br />