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Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker was authorized to secure <br />furniture for the probation department offices in the County Office building. <br />Chairman William H. Cooper reported that the repairs at the <br />Armory were almost complete. <br />The Board next took up for consideration, appraisal reports <br />concerning property owned by Mr. W. W. Seymour. Commissioner Gordon <br />A.. Wicker moved that the fair market value of Mr. Seymour's property be <br />established at $3,450.00. The formal resolution establishing such value is <br />attached hereto and by this reference made a part of these minutes. Comm- <br />issioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unani- <br />mously adopted. <br />The Board next considered a Resolution establishing the fair <br />market value of property belonging to Mr. Loyd Lyons. Commissioner Gordon <br />A. Wicker moved that the fair market values on Parcel No. 151 and 152 be <br />established at $3, 100. 00, Parcel No. 167 at $2, 500. 00, and the Portions of <br />168, 169 and 170 at $3, 113. 00. A copy of the formal resolution establishing <br />such values is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part <br />hereof. Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, <br />the meeting adjourned. <br />