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<br />vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Administrator, gave a report on the
<br />status of the various projects being supervised by his office.
<br />Mr. Garland Fulton, Chairman of the Lee County Hospital, Inc. Is
<br />Board of Trustees, appeared before the Board. Mr. Fulton reported that the
<br />Board of Trustees had voted to recommend that the County phase out its operation
<br />of a public hospital and that hospital services be provided by private organizations.
<br />Mr. Fulton further stated that the Board recommended that the County contract
<br />with America Medical International. In discussing a proposal, Dr. Glen Hawkins,
<br />President of the Medical Staff at Lee County Hospital, was recognized and Dr.
<br />Hawkins stated that the medical staff had voted in favor of hospital care being
<br />provided by private organizations; however, based on the recommendations of
<br />the inspection team from the Hospital Staff, had recommended contracting with
<br />Hospital Corporation of America. Following a discussion of the recommendations
<br />by members of the Board and by several members of the Board of Trustees,
<br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the Board of Commissioners hold a
<br />public hearing on whether or not the Commissioners should close the public
<br />hospital and contract with a private organization for the operation of a private
<br />hospital in Lee County, such meeting to be held on Monday, October 2, 1978, at
<br />7:00 o'clock p. m., at the Lee County Courthouse. Commissioner John E.
<br />Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />The Board next considered the rosters of the qualified firemen
<br />for Deep River Rural Fire Department, Tramway Rural Fire Department, West
<br />Sanford Rural Fire Department and Northview Rural Fire Department. The rosters
<br />were found to be in order and it was directed that the Chairman certify these
<br />names to the North Carolina Firemen's Pension Fund, 116 W. Jones Street,
<br />Raleigh, North Carolina 27603, in accordance with the requirements of N. C.
<br />G. S. 118_23, The motion was made by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker,
<br />seconded by Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne and upon a vote, unanimously adopted,
<br />Copies of the rosters, as certified, are attached to the minutes and by this ref-
<br />erence made a part hereof.
<br />A letter of Mr. J. F. Hockaday, Secretary of the Board of Trustees
<br />of Central Carolina Technical Institute, requesting on behalf of the Board of
<br />Trustees, a Letter of Intent from the Board of Commissioners that it would
<br />appropriate $325, 000. 00 for capital construction in the fiscal year beginning
<br />July 1, 1979, was read to the Board. This is the remaining portion of the
<br />original $700, 000. 00 commitment to complete the enlargement of the Learning
<br />Resource Center and the construction of a Continuing Education Building. Comm-
<br />issioner John E. Dotterer moved that the Board authorize the Chairman to execute
<br />such a Letter of Intent. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion
<br />and upon a vote, Messrs. Dotterer, Rhyne, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker
<br />and Cooper voted for it and no one voted against it.
<br />The letter of Mr. Johnny Stone, Chairman of the Lee'County Planning
<br />Board, dated September 12, 1978, concerning the disposition of the Subdivision
<br />Ordinance, was read to the Board. The Board directed that copies of the Sub-
<br />division Ordinance be distributed to the members of the Board and that the Planning
<br />Board be invited to appear before the Board and re-present its recommendations
<br />with respect to this Ordinance.
<br />The Board next considered discussion about the re-imbursement
<br />for mileage for County employees travelling away from the County on official
<br />business in their personal car. After discussion and review, Commissioner
<br />Franklin D. Wicker moved that the provisions of Article 2, Section 8, sub-paragraph
<br />(b), which reads "fifteen cents ($.15)" be deleted and in lieu thereof "seventeen
<br />cents ($.17)" be inserted so that the sub-paragraph, as amended, reads as follows:
<br />