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n ffo~ 0 <br />BOOK 9 rnf?98 <br />Rural Roads <br />Principal Arterial: A rural link in a network of continuous <br />routes serving corridor movements having trip length and <br />travel density characteristics indicative of substantial <br />statewide or interstate travel and existing solely to <br />serve traffic. This network would consist of interstate <br />routes and other routes designated as principal arterials. <br />Minor Arterial: A rural link in a network joining cities and <br />larger totqns and providing intrastate and intercounty <br />service at relatively high (55 mph) overall travel speeds <br />with minimum interference to through movement. This net- <br />work would primarily serve traffic. <br />Major Collector: A road which serves major intracounty travel <br />corridors and traffic generators and provides access to <br />the arterial system. <br />Minor Collector: A road which provides service to small local <br />communities and links the locally important traffic gen- <br />erators with their rural hinterland. <br />Local Road: A local road serves primarily to provide access <br />to adjacent lard and for travel over relatively short <br />distances. <br />Urban Streets <br />Major Thoroughfares: Major thoroughfares consist of interstate, <br />other freeway and expressway links, and major streets that <br />provide for the expeditious movement of volumes of traffic <br />within and through urban areas. <br />Minor Thoroughfares: Minor thoroughfares are important streets <br />in the city system and perform the function of collecting <br />traffic from local access streets and carrying it to the <br />major thoroughfare system. Minor thoroughfares may be used <br />to supplement the major thoroughfare system by facilitating <br />a minor through traffic movement and may also serve abut- <br />ting property. <br />Local Street: A local street is any link not of a higher order <br />urban system and serves primarily to provide direct access <br />to abutting land and access to higher systems. It offers <br />the lowest level of mobility and through traffic is usually <br />deliberately discouraged. <br />Specific Type Rural or Urban Streets <br />Cul-de-sac: A cul-de-sac is a short street having but one <br />end open to traffic and the other end being permanently <br />terminated and a vehicular turn around provided. <br />-8- <br />