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BOOK 9 FAGE2 I O <br />3. A member of the housing Assistance Staff must personally contact <br />you to explain relocation payments and assistance. The Housing <br />Assistance Staff will assist you in your move and your filing a <br />relocation claim is necessary. If eligible you will be informed <br />of Federal and State housing programs, disaster loans, and other <br />programs designed to assist you. <br />4. You must be provided a choice of standard and adequate housing. <br />5. You must be referred only to housing which is available on a non- <br />discriminatory basis. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1968, it is <br />illegal to discriminate in the sale or rental of most homes or <br />apartments because of race, color, religion, or national origin. <br />Racial discrimination in the sale or rental of all housing is illegal <br />under a recent Supreme Court decision upholding an 1866 Act of <br />Congress. If because of your race you were: <br />A. Denied the opportunity to buy or rent a house or <br />apartment. <br />B. Told a house or an apartment wasn't available <br />when it was. <br />C. Offered different terms or conditions of sale or <br />rental than someone else. <br />Contact your Relocation Agent for additional information and assistance <br />in the referral of your complaint. <br />RELOCATION PAYMENTS: <br />Relocation payments are not to be considered as income or assets for <br />Federal Income Tax purposes or for determining eligibility of a person <br />under the Social Security Act or for housing programs or any other Federal <br />l a~•: . <br />The payments for which you may be eligible if you have to move from your <br />dr:ellinn are intended to provide relief from the financial problems re- <br />sultNng from your dislocation and assist you in obtaining comparable, <br />decent, safe and sanitary housing. <br />F <br />For the purpose of establishing eligibility for any relocation payment, <br />a displaced person is a person who moves from real property within a, <br />Cor.:munity Development project or moves his personal property from such <br />real property: <br />1. On or after the Federal Government has signed the <br />contract to execute the project (date); and <br />I <br />2. For one of the following reasons: <br />.i <br />'j A. As a result of acquisition of real property or. <br />B. The receipt of a written notice from the Lee <br />County Com_nnnity Development Department. <br />p'. <br />T'YPES' OF P _Y!IENTS FOR WT:ICli YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ARE: <br />4 _ . i•lovinc; and Related D>:penses <br />2. Replacement Housing Payment and Homeowners <br />3 Replacement HouEina Payment for tenants and certain others. <br />t 4. Costs of Conveying Property to the Lee County Community <br />Development Department. <br />1 <br />-3- <br />