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It was explained to the Board that the Board of Elections had <br />ordered two voting machines during the last fiscal year when funds had been <br />appropriated and were available for such purpose but had failed to include <br />such request in their appropriation for the present fiscal year although the <br />machines had been ordered, The Elections Board had a surplus of in excess of <br />$10, 000, 00, at the end of the last fiscal year but needed $3, 695, 00 to pay for <br />the machines now, Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the sum of <br />$3, 695, 00 be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund <br />to line item 10-430-74 equipment in the Elections Department of the General <br />Fund for the purpose of paying for two voting machines. Commissioner Gordon <br />A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners <br />Dotterer, Rhyne, G. Wicker, and Cooper voted for it and no one voted against it, <br />The Chairman declared it duly adopted. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker requested that the Board of Election: <br />be directed to give a report on its efforts to divide West Sanford Precinct at the next <br />meeting of the Board. <br />The Chairman announded that the Finance Officer had received <br />$17, 541. 00 of Anti-Recession Funds for the County and that these funds will be <br />used to maintain the present level of services at the Sheriff's Department. <br />The Chairman announced that Hayes-Howell and Associates, Architect <br />had forwarded Change Order No. G-4 to the contract for general construction at the <br />library. This change order will increase the contract price by $1, 128. 00 to cover <br />changes in hardware on doors, adding picture molding, removing a wooden screen, <br />adding a concrete walk, and converting doors. Commissioner John E. Dotterer <br />moved that the Chairman be authorized to execute the change order for and on <br />behalf of the County and that the cost be charged against the library building fund. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, <br />Commissioners Dotterer, Rhyne, G. Wicker and Cooper voted for the motion and <br />no one voted against it. The Chairman declared the resolution duly adopted. <br />The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Roger Versch requesting a refund <br />of his massage parlor license and massagist's licenses due to the amendment of the <br />ordinance shortly after he purchased the licenses. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne <br />moved that the Board refund to Mr. Versch the sum of $767. 00, being the unused <br />portion of the licenses prorated on a monthly basis upon ,surrender of his licenses. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, <br />Commissioners Dotterer, Rhyne, G. Wicker, and Cooper voted for the motion and <br />no one voted against it. The Chairman declared the resolut=ion duly adopted. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker rejoined the meeting and participat <br />in the further deliberations of the Board. <br />The Chairman had the Clerk read a letter from Secretary Joseph W. <br />Grimsley, N. C. Department of Administration, advising the Board that if it desired <br />to recommend changes in the regional makeup of the State, it should take prompt <br />action to make its wishes known. The Board discussed the matter and decided it did <br />not want to recommend any changes and therefore took no action. <br />The letter from the North Carolina Association of County Commiss- <br />ioners concerning invitations to legislative delegations to attend the legislative <br />goals conference in Winston-Salem on December 6-7, 1978, was read to the Board. <br />The Chairman appointed Messrs. Ken Harmon, Billy Ray Cameron, <br />and Elwin Buchanan, to serve on the Governor's Volunteer Energy Conservation <br />Corps. <br />Mr, Elwin Buchanan, Grants Administrator, appeared before the <br />Board and reviewed the Community Development Program projects. <br />