BOOK 9 ',1Cf D
<br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Grants Administrator, requested the
<br />Board that it amend the Budget Ordinance for the fiscal year 1978-79, with
<br />respect to the 1975-76 Community Development Block Grant B-75-DN-37-0009,
<br />to reflect revenue from sales tax refund in the amount of $2, 005. 41, and appropri-
<br />ation of a like amount to Administration Line Item 20-490-01, and to amend the
<br />Budget Ordinance for the fiscal year 1978-79 with respect to the 1976-77 Community
<br />Development Block Grant B-76-DN-37-0023, to reflect revenue from sales tax
<br />refund in the amount of $1, 733. 78, and the appropriation of a like amount for
<br />Administration Line Item 20-490-01. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved
<br />that the Budget be amended in accordance with the request from the Grants
<br />Administrator. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the motion and upon a
<br />roll call vote, Commissioners Dotterer, Rhype, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A.
<br />Wicker and Cooper voted for it and no one voted against it.
<br />The Board, upon the recommendation of Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan,
<br />Grants Administrator, approved the payment of the sum of $192.00 to Williams &
<br />Works, for survey work at the San-Lee Recreation Park, said payment to be
<br />made from the line item for acquisition funds, upon motion of Commissioner
<br />Franklin D. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, which motion
<br />was adopted upon a roll call vote and which Commissioners Dotterer, Rhyne,
<br />Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker and Cooper voted for it and no one voted
<br />against it.
<br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, presented the bill of Williams & Works,
<br />Engineers, infie amount of $1, 438. 28, for work on the winterization project, at
<br />the County Office building and recommended approval for payment. Commissioner
<br />John E. Dotterer moved that the bill be approved for payment from the project
<br />funds and Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion. Upon a roll call
<br />vote, Commissioners Dotterer, Rhyne, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker, and
<br />Cooper voted for it and no one voted against it.
<br />Mr. Kenneth Brinson, Superintendent of the Lee County Board of
<br />Education, appeared before the Board and reported that the Board of Education
<br />was considering the taking over of the Sanford Children Center's property and
<br />program and asked for the B°oa:rd to keep this in mind since if the Board of
<br />Education did assume the operation of this program, it would need financial
<br />assistance from the Board of Commissioners to sustain the program.
<br />Mr. Kenneth Brinson, Superintendent of the Lee County Board of
<br />Education, appeared before the Board and brought up for consideration, the written
<br />request he had made asking that the Board of Education be paid a salary for their
<br />services. The matter was discussed at length following which Commissioner Gordon
<br />A. Wicker moved that consideration of the matter be tabled. Commissioner Clyde
<br />J. Rhyne seconded the motion and upon a vote it was adopted by a majority vote.
<br />Mrs. Kay Johnson, an employee of the Lee County Board of Elections,
<br />appeared before the Board and reported on the activities of the Board preparatory
<br />to developing a plan for dividing West Sanford Precinct.
<br />The letter from the Airport's District Office, of the Federal
<br />Aviation Administration, informing the Chairman that a grant of $286, 800. 00,
<br />for Airport Development at the Sanford-Lee County Airport, had been made,
<br />was read to the Board. Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that letters be
<br />directed to Governor Hunt, Senators Morgan and Helms and Congressman Whitley,
<br />expressing the Board's appreciation for their support and assistance in this
<br />matter. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a
<br />vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />