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1978 - 11-20-78 Regular Meeting
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1978 - 11-20-78 Regular Meeting
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10/15/2009 2:19:14 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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boor, mu= <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />It 11 11 9 , It 11 1 , T,: xx. - , 11 11 4,1 , <br />Monday, November 20, 1978 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County <br />of Lee, convened in the Commissioners' Room on the second floor of the County <br />Office Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., <br />on Monday, November 20, 1978. Those present when the meeting was called to <br />order were Commissioners William H. Cooper, John E..Dotterer, Clyde J. <br />Rhyne, and Gordon A. Wicker. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker was absent <br />when the meeting opened but later joined the meeting. The Chairman stated that <br />a quorum was present and the meeting open for business. <br />Chairman William H. Cooper presided and the following business <br />was transacted: <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held on Monday, November 6, <br />1978, were approved and ordered recorded upon motion of Commissioner Clyde <br />J. Rhyne, seconded by Commissioner John E. Dotterer, which motion was unanim- <br />ously adopted upon a vote. <br />A petition asking that Secondary Road No. 1159, known as the <br />Matthews Road; be paved, was presented to the Board, Commissioner Gordon A. <br />Wicker moved the adoption of the resolution approving the petiton and authorizing <br />the paving of the road, a copy of the resolution being attached to these minutes and <br />by this reference made a part hereof. Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The petition asking for maintenance improvement of Botany Woods <br />and Shannon Drive in Royal Oaks Subdivision, was presented to the Board, Comm- <br />issioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the resolution be adopted requesting <br />maintenance improvement and a copy of the resolution is attached hereto and by <br />this reference made a part hereof, Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted, <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker joined the meeting and partici- <br />pated in the further deliberations of the Board . <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Grants Administrator, appeared before <br />the Board and reported on the Community Development projects. Mr. Buchanan <br />presented to the Board the recommendation that Williams & Works, Engineers, <br />be authorized to proceed with a Performance Report relating to closing of the <br />first year Community Development Program and a pre-application. Mr. Clyde <br />J. Rhyne moved that the proposals be accepted and that $1, 000. 00 be appropriated <br />from the Unappropriated Surplus to the Grants Administration Fund for preparation <br />of the pre-application form and that $500. 00 be appropriated from the 1975-76 Comm- <br />unity Development Fund for the Performance report. Commissioner Gordon A. <br />Wicker seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Dotterer, <br />Rhyne, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker and Cooper voted for it and no one <br />voted against it. <br />
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