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1978 - 12-04-78 Regular Meeting
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1978 - 12-04-78 Regular Meeting
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10/15/2009 2:17:37 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK en[345 <br />Clerk <br />County Attorney <br />Finance Officer <br />Tax Collector <br />Deputy Tax Collector.... <br />Tax Attorney <br />Social Services Attorney. <br />Kenneth R. Hoyle <br />Kenneth R. Hoyle <br />Beatrice C. Fields <br />Nathan D. Crissman <br />Donnie V. Cox <br />Jimmy L. Love <br />Harry E. Wilson <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Clerk reported that the public auction for the sale of surplus <br />vehicles.held on Saturday, December 2, 1978, produced the following results: <br />David F. Holder bid $125. 00 for the 1973 Ford 4-door automobile, <br />Serial No. 3N53S140350, and Mr. Clinton Pickard bid $100. 00 for the 1974 Ford <br />4-door automobile, Serial Number 4N53Sll8720. The Clerk explained that the <br />1973 Ford had been used by the Sheriff as his personal vehicle and had approximately <br />80, OOO, miles whereas the 1974 Ford had been used by various members of the <br />Sheriff's Department and had approximately 140, 000 miles on it. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved that the bids received be accepted and that title be trans- <br />ferred to the successful bidders upon payment of the purchase price. Commissioner <br />Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman noted that the report of the Director of Civil Prepared- <br />ness had been distributed to the Board. <br />The contract to audit accounts of Lee County for Community Devel- <br />opment Block Grant Funds, was presented to the Board. After review and discuss- <br />ion, Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the Chairman be authorized and <br />directed to execute the contract for and on behalf of the County. Commissioner <br />Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Grants Administrator, appeared before the <br />Board and reported that the County had acquired several parcels of land in its <br />Community Development Program which needed to be disposed of in order to close <br />out that program and that officials at HUD had approved a conveyance of the proper- <br />ty to the City of Sanford for use by the City in their Community Development Pro- <br />gram. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the County convey the property <br />acquired from W. W. Seymour and Loyd Lyons in its Community Development Pro- <br />gram to the City of Sanford for use by the City in its Community Development Pro- <br />gram, provided the officials of the City of Sanford are willing to accept such convey- <br />ance. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, <br />Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon voted for it and <br />no one voted against it. <br />The Chairman noted that the minutes of the last meeting of the <br />Parks & Recreation Commission had been distributed to the members of the <br />Board. <br />The Chairman called up for discussion the appointments to the <br />Capital Health Systems Agency in that the appointments made at the last meeting <br />did not give the Agency several nominees to select from. Commissioner Rhyne <br />reported that he had been in contact with officials from the agency and that the <br />appointments made were acceptable to that agency since this Board has the final <br />authority as to its appointees; however, the Board now needs to make *an appointment <br />of a consumer of health care services from a middle income background. The <br />matter of the new appointee was taken under advisement. <br />
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