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i <br />Example CTE Offering: Automotive Restoration Pathway <br />ARS 112 Auto Restoration Research <br />This course covers identification and collection of information needed to restore classic automobiles. Emphasis is placed <br />on using books, numbers, emblems, titles, bills of sale, and other documents as resources. Upon completion, students <br />should be able to use reference materials in the area of auto restoration to restore classic vehicles. <br />AUB 121 Non - Structural Damage I <br />This course introduces safety, tools, and the basic fundamentals of body repair. Topics include shop safety, damage <br />analysis, tools and equipment, repair techniques, materials selection, materials usage, and other related topics. Upon <br />completion, students should be able to identify and repair minor direct and indirect damage including <br />removal/repairing/replacing of body panels to accepted standards. <br />AUB 111 Painting and Refinishing I <br />This course introduces the proper procedures for using automotive refinishing equipment and materials in surface <br />preparation and application. Topics include federal, state, and local regulations, personal safety, refinishing equipment and <br />materials, surface preparation, masking, application techniques, and other related topics. Upon completion, students <br />should be able to identify and use proper equipment and materials in refinishing by following accepted industry standards. <br />NC Mean Wage for Auto Body Repairer: $46,090 <br />htto: / /www.bis.¢ov /oes /current /oes nc.htm (wages retrieved Sept. 2013) <br />