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Date Decemba 10 2013 <br />AREA Facilities and Technology Committee <br />AGENDA IIEM(S) 2014-2015 Through 2018 -2019 Capital Improvements Prom <br />CONTACT PERSON(S) John T. Bonardi. Jr. <br />Agenda Report <br />The Lee County Board of Commissioners annually requests a five (5) year projected plan from <br />the Lee County Board of Education to outline the major capital expenses (items over $500,000). <br />This Capital Improvements Program includes fiscal year 20142015 through fiscal year 2018- <br />2019. The plan also includes the order of priority as well as the estimated dollar amount projected <br />within the five (5) year time period. The plan details the projected costs, funding sources, and the <br />operating budget effects for each fiscal year. Project descriptions, justifications, and alternatives <br />as well as the relationship to other projects are shown to demonstrate the school systems needs. <br />The Facilities and Technology Committee reviewed the Capital Improvements Program at the <br />November 21, 2013, committee meeting. As a result, the committee requested additional projects <br />to be included- second elementary school with gym and land; ELMS and WLMS gym expansions; <br />and SLHS auditorium. <br />