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003 <br />Pursuant to N.C. General Statute §153A -52.1, Chairman Parks opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. The following signed up to speak and were allowed 3 minutes for comments: <br />1. Mr. Joe Calendine, 210 High Ridge Drive, Apt. F, Sanford <br />2. Mr. Bill Tatum, 2511 Wellington Drive, Sanford <br />The Board considered the FY 2014 -15 Community Services Block Grant Program for Johnston - <br />Lee- Harnett Community Action that had been deferred at the January 6, 2014 meeting. No one from <br />Johnston - Lee - Community Action was present for the meeting due to the anticipated inclement weather. <br />Commissioner Dalrymple, who also serves on the Johnston - Lee - Harnett Community Action Board, <br />stated Ms. Watson had offered to meet with Commissioners Wednesday morning, January 22 in the <br />Sanford office to discuss the Annual Plan and what staff do on a daily basis; however, only two <br />Commissioners responded they would attend the meeting. Commissioner Womack suggested <br />redirecting the funds allocated for Lee County to an existing 501 -C3 organization in the County that <br />already does this type work such as Family Promise of Lee County. Commissioner Frazier moved to <br />defer action until Ms. Watson could appear before the Board of Commissioners to answer questions. <br />After discussion, Commissioner Reives made a substitute motion to approve the Grant Application and <br />send word to the Johnston - Lee - Harnett Board that Commissioners have questions /concerns they need <br />clarification on and to set up a joint meeting to discuss those concerns. Commissioner Frazier <br />withdrew his motion to defer action. Commissioner Womack stated he wanted Ms. Watson to appear <br />before Commissioners during a budget work session and explain how the federal grant money is used. <br />Upon a vote of Commissioner Reives motion to approve, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and Commissioners were asked <br />to forward questions /concerns to the Clerk who would compile and share with all Board members, and <br />provide to Commissioner Dalrymple for submission to Ms. Watson. <br />The Board heard a presentation from Greg Taylor, Executive Director of the Fort Bragg <br />Regional Alliance. At the conclusion of Mr. Taylor's presentation, he asked that Lee County restore <br />funds in the current budget to help sustain the organization. No action was taken. <br />Mr. Robbie Ferris, CEO of Firstfloor, LLC gave a presentation on build -to -lease educational <br />facilities. Mr. Ferris stated his company was a proven leader in the design of high performance <br />educational facilities in North Carolina with over 30 years of experience. Samples of their school <br />designs include Eastern Guilford High School in Guilford County, Overhills High School in Harnett <br />County, Rocky Mount High School, Watauga High School and numerous community college and <br />university buildings. Advantages of leasing were discussed which included speeding up the project <br />delivery/reducing inflation, eliminates construction risk for the county, reduces operating costs, <br />improves the quality of the building, and speeds the cycle of innovation. A success story involving the <br />recently completed Sandy Grove Middle School in Hoke County was shared. No action was taken. <br />At this time Chairman Parks called for a 10- minute recess. Upon returning from recess, <br />Chairman Parks stated that Commissioner Frazier had left the meeting due to sickness. All other <br />members were present and the regular meeting resumed. <br />The Board considered contracts for non - emergency Medicaid transportation services. Social <br />Services Director Brenda Potts stated three (3) vendors in Lee County had expressed interest in <br />providing non - emergency Medicaid transportation services. Only two (2) vendors provided required <br />2 <br />