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S <br />Favorable Factors <br />• Despite the challenges previously mentioned, many believe the community <br />can still raise a significant amount of dollars with some refinements and <br />adjustments to the DRAFT plan and by "getting the ball rolling" on a capital <br />campaign. There is a realization by many that there may not be another <br />opportunity for years to come to help Lee County grow its economy if focused, <br />decisive action is not taken as the nation and the region come out of the long <br />recession. <br />• Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) continuing to play a key role in <br />workforce development and preparedness. <br />CONVERGENT RECOMMENDATIONS <br />The Convergent management team conducted an extensive analysis of the projected <br />pledge estimates indicated by those interviewed during the Opportunity Analysis <br />process. In this process, Convergent analyzed interview results and applied <br />historical trend data from years of completed campaigns to produce a realistically <br />feasible and prudent campaign goal. <br />Expert subjective input from the Convergent project team, including Rick Kiernan, <br />Bob Johnson and Paul Santiago, was also incorporated to further calibrate the <br />objective analysis and assess likely campaign outcomes. <br />Based on this process and our experience with other similar fundraising campaigns, <br />Convergent would normally recommend adopting a preliminary funding goal range <br />of $750,000 to $900,000 over five years. The challenge here is trying to gauge the <br />impact of key investors' unwillingness to commit with the existing incentive policy <br />in place, for their decision will have a disproportionate impact on others. <br />The difference in financial indications attributed to the incentive policy is $212,500 <br />on the low end and $287,500 on the high end, an average of $250,000. We believe <br />the negative impact could be the same or more, while the positive impact could be <br />50% or more. That indicates a campaign potential of $500,000 on the low end and <br />$1,025,000 on the high end. <br />+ 33 <br />