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Minutes - Dec. 16, 2013 Reg. Meeting
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Minutes - Dec. 16, 2013 Reg. Meeting
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BK - 00026 PG:0217 <br />Commissioner Reives moved to approve Budget Amendment # 12/16/13/06, a copy of which is <br />attached to these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Frazier, Knecht, Parks, <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Dalrymple <br />Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered the consolidation of a Community and Economic Development Plan. <br />County Manager John Crumpton stated that during contract negotiations with the City of Sanford a <br />proposal was discussed to co- locate all Planning /Zoning /Community Development Departments into <br />one facility. This was discussed as a way to make the combined department more manageable for the <br />Community Development Director and to create a one - stop -shop for development in the City and <br />County. At that time the two governments could not come up with an alternative site to locate Planning <br />Administration, CDBG /Grant Administration, Downtown Development Inc., Inspections, Code <br />Enforcement, Environmental Health and GIS. Recently the need to not only locate these departments <br />but the new Chamber /EDC organization, at a central location, have been part of the task force <br />discussions. With a shortage of buildings in Lee County that could locate up to 40 employees, plus <br />parking for staff and visitors a site has been hard to locate. The Buggy Factory located on Chatham <br />Street would be one location due to size and a new parking lot designed and paved behind the building. <br />With support of all partners, discussions were initiated with Progressive Contractors concerning the <br />possibility of leasing the facility. Staff has worked with Progressive Contractors on designs to up -fit <br />Buggy Building. Mr. Crumpton asked the Board to review the plan for a combined <br />Community /Economic Development Operation in Lee County and authorize staff to begin lease <br />negotiations with Progressive Contractors, City of Sanford, Chamber of Commerce and the Lee County <br />Economic Development Corporation. Commissioner Reives stated he felt he was being rushed on this <br />project. Commissioner Womack stated he thought the project should be worked around the County <br />budget year. Commissioner Frazier moved to defer action on the matter. After discussion, <br />Commissioner Frazier withdrew his motion to defer action. After further discussion, Commissioner <br />Womack moved to approve the concept presented by the County Manager for unifying all of the City - <br />County and Community Development and Partnership for Prosperity (EDC) offices into a single facility; <br />and that the County release an RFI for a 30 -day period of input to determine what other options may be <br />available in addition to the Buggy Factory option, and that the County continue to collaborate with the <br />City, Chamber, and EDC on related matters. <br />Aye: Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Dalrymple <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered an application to the State for Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) <br />funding. Roger Judd, Chairman of the JCPC stated that two agencies responded to a recent ad for <br />services to address juvenile issues within the County. Commissioner Reives moved to approve the <br />application to the State for the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council in the amount of $251,958, copies of <br />which are attached to these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />2 <br />
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