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B K 00026 PG <br />County Manager's Report — December 16, 2013 <br />Onnoina Projects <br />Clyde Rhyne Road - Industrial Park Project — No update at this time. <br />East/West Lee Middle School Heating Projects — The Board of Education was to meet <br />on Tuesday, December 10th to discuss the Performance Contractor option for this project. <br />After initial discussions with ABM, the contractor we have used in the past to review these <br />types of projects, they are concerned that the Schools have undertaken several of the <br />energy cost savings possibilities and by doing so eliminated options for savings that could <br />have funded these two projects. Without those other energy saving options the <br />replacement of the 2 electric heating units probably won't save enough money to justify <br />the projects. However, ABM wants the opportunity to review both buildings and begin <br />discussions to see if there is any way to gain the savings to justify a contract. If the Board <br />is in agreement we will work with them over the next 30 days to see if this is something <br />worthwhile. <br />Other Items <br />Workshop /Planning Retreat Meetings — Chairman Parks and I have discussed the <br />traditional new year Workshop /Planning Retreat meetings. Typically the County <br />Commissioners have held one Budget Workshop Kickoff meeting in January or February <br />of each year. This coming year, the Chairman and I have discussed many issues that <br />the Board needs to address such as the Strategic Plan, Capital Improvement Plan, Joint <br />Community Development Facility, and Budget Goals for the FY 2014 -15 budget process. <br />In addition, we may need to have joint meetings with the Board of Education, Community <br />College, City of Sanford, Town of Broadway and internal Boards /Commissions to discuss <br />important issues we are all facing. I have suggested to Chairman Parks that we may <br />need more than one meeting to go over these and any other issues the Board would like <br />to address. At our meeting I would like to discuss setting up meetings in January, <br />February, and March to address all of this issues. <br />NCACC/ICMA Intern /Fellows Program — After a 6 month delay in moving this program <br />forward, the NCACC and ICMA agreed to allow the County to move forward with hiring of <br />an Intern /Fellow here in Lee County. We are the pilot local government for this program <br />in North Carolina. After a review process that included the NCACC and a local interview <br />process, we have hired Michael James as our Intern /Fellow. Michael will start work with <br />the County either on January 6th or 13tH <br />