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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lee County Board of Commissioners as follows: <br />1. The Lee County Board of Commissioners authorizes the sale of the property described above <br />through the upset bid procedure of North Carolina General Statute § 160A -269. <br />2. The County Clerk shall cause a notice of the proposed sale to be published. The notice shall <br />contain a general description of the property, the amount and terms of the first upset bid offer, and a <br />notice that within 10 days any person may raise the bid by not less than ten percent (10 %) of the first <br />one thousand dollars ($1,000) and five percent (5 %) of the remainder plus any and all advertising <br />costs. <br />3. Persons wishing to upset the first upset bid offer that has been received shall submit a sealed bid <br />with their offer to the County Attorney's Office within 10 days after the notice of sale is published. <br />At the conclusion of the 10 -day period, the County Attorney shall open the bids, if any, and the <br />highest such bid will become the new offer. If there is more than one bid in the highest amount, the <br />first such bid received will become the new offer. <br />4. If a qualifying higher bid is received, the County Clerk shall cause a new notice of upset bid to be <br />published, and shall continue to do so until a 10 -day period has passed without any qualifying upset <br />bid having been received. <br />5. A qualifying higher bid is one that raises the existing offer by not less than 10 percent (10 %) of the <br />first $1,000 of that offer and 5 percent (5 %) of the remainder of that offer. <br />6. A qualifying higher bid must also be accompanied by a deposit in the amount of 5 percent (5 %) of <br />the bid in addition to advertising costs; the deposit may be made in cash, cashier's check, or certified <br />check. The County will return the deposit on any bid not accepted, and will return the deposit on an <br />offer subject to upset if a qualifying higher bid is received. The County will return the deposit of the <br />final high bidder at closing. <br />7. The terms of the final sale are as follows: The buyer must pay with cash, cashier's check or <br />certified check at the time of closing. <br />8. The County reserves the right to withdraw the property from sale at any time before the final high <br />bid is accepted and the right to reject at any time all bids. <br />9. If no qualifying upset bid is received after the initial public notice, the offer set forth above is <br />hereby accepted. The appropriate County officials are authorized to execute the instruments <br />necessary to convey the property. <br />Dated this the 18`' day of November, 2013 <br />ATTEST: <br />a e. M. Lee, Clerk <br />Lee County Board of Co issioners <br />Charles T. Parks, Chair <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />