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003 <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Knecht <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board conducted a public hearing for the FY 2014 -15 Community Transportation Grant. <br />Senior Services Director Debbie Davidson outlined the grant application as follows: <br />Administrative and Employee Development - $157,558.00 (local 'red 15% <br />match). These funds cover 85% of the salary for the County o ee sit <br />System Coordinator, and a percentage of the administrative t of 3 <br />other staff members and benefits, travel, general office supplies; <br />space rental, technology supplies and indirect cost for the administration o <br />system. Also included in this request is 85% reimb ent for vehicle ins nci <br />on 18 vehicles. <br />Ca ital — Eight (8) replacement vehicles for th wi<cnt mileage in <br />excess of 125,000 miles, four (4) 15- passenger s at $200,000, four <br />(4) lift equipped high -top vans for a total of $216,0 ng for eight (8) <br />vehicles at $1,760, three (3) computer replacements 5 -year disposition <br />plan at $3,552, one (1) lap top and data projector for staff at $1,555.00 <br />for a grand total of $422,867 with a 10% local match - $4 86.00). <br />Ms. Davidson stated a public hearing is require , ubmitting the application. <br />Chairman Parks opened the public heann th ad b advertised for this date and time. <br />No one present spoke in favor of or in oppo ion to the grant application. <br />Chairman Parks clo ��ublic hearing. <br />The Board co a s' d bl* hearing for Section 5310 Elderly and Disabled Federal <br />Grant Application for Trans ervices Director Debbie Davidson stated a public hearing <br />is required for a grant applic under the 5310 Elderly and Disabled Transportation Program under <br />the Federal Transit Administra improve and enhance transportation services to elderly and <br />disabled citi A Human ices Transportation Plan was approved by the Lee County <br />Transpo "` ry Board aid the Lee County Board of Commissioners in April 2013 that <br />addre d the trap y ation needs of Lee County's citizens. This proposal is to continue to offer the <br />circ oute called H with scheduled stops and connection to the Lemon Springs and Broadway <br />co m s to provi additional mobility options and affordable transportation for Lee County <br />residents. a appli ion will be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for <br />consideratio d mission to the Federal Transit Administration for final approval. This is a <br />competitive p s for a one year grant cycle from July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015. <br />The grant appli tion was outlined as follows: <br />Operating Expenses - $71,156 (with a required 50% local match). Funds <br />through the Home and Community Care Block Grant allocated through the <br />Senior Services Department, other contract revenue and the $2.00 per trip <br />fare rate charged to passengers will be used to cover local matching <br />requirements; therefore, no additional funding from the County will be requested. <br />These funds will cover the salary for two (2) part-time drivers, 25% Administrative <br />2 <br />