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Minutes - Oct. 14, 2013 Special Meeting
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Minutes - Oct. 14, 2013 Special Meeting
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10/28/2013 10:54:38 AM
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10/28/2013 10:53:55 AM
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BK-00026 PG - nngn <br />Chairman Parks stated the Board needed to decide what the County would take <br />responsibility for from the strategic report. <br />County Manager John Crumpton stated department heads will discuss the six goals <br />referenced above and take different roles based on what the Commissioners decide. <br />It was agreed by the Board that private industry needed to lead the strategic plan and <br />the business community needed to be more on board. <br />The upcoming 2014 golf tournaments in Pinehurst were discussed and the need for <br />advertising and promoting Lee County before and during these major events. <br />After discussion, it was agreed that each Commissioner would provide to the Clerk <br />their 5 and 10 year goals for each of the 6 goals referenced in the plan. Once compiled, a <br />spreadsheet will be completed with all information provided. <br />County Manager John Crumpton shared information with the Board in reference to the <br />Federal shutdown and how it was affecting programs in the Health Department, Social <br />Services, and Senior Services. Meetings have been held with directors from these <br />departments and plans have been presented to deal with the Federal impacts. Conference <br />calls with the North Carolina Association of County Commissions on the subject have also <br />been held. Each department receives their Federal funds through the State Department of <br />Health and Human Services (DHHS). DHHS has sent several emails concerning the impacts <br />to the State and counties concerning the shutdown and the State has made it clear they will <br />not be replacing Federal funding with State funding. The State cannot and will not increase <br />their allocations to the programs affected by the shutdown. Counties have been advised that <br />if they do not want to take on additional fiscal responsibilities to take immediate actions to <br />begin addressing the Federal revenue shortfalls. The State cannot guarantee that it will be <br />business as usual once a new budget or continuing resolution is passed. Mr. Crumpton <br />stated that Lee County could not assume they will make up funds that are not sent to us <br />during the shutdown, nor can they guarantee that all current programs will stay in place once <br />the shutdown is over. Mr. Crumpton has stated to departments that the County will not and <br />cannot replace any lost Federal funding with local funds. The plans put in place will result in a <br />decrease in service levels and may involve furloughs starting November 1St if Congress and <br />the President of the United States don't agree on a new budget or a continuing resolution. It <br />was agreed by the Board to continue health coverage for all employees who are furloughed <br />during the shutdown. <br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Dalrymple moved to <br />adjourn the meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />2 <br />
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