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116 <br />CENTRAL CAROLINA WORKS; C C <br />Educating for Economic Development CENTRAL <br />CAROLINA <br />COMMUNt Y <br />PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS COLLEGE <br />While Career and College Promise coursework will always be cost -free for high school students, <br />increased enrollments in CCCC courses will generate new income for the College, which will be <br />sufficient to cover all program costs after an initial, externally- funded start-up period. <br />Requests forgrant and donation monies will be on a one -time basis only; following the two-year <br />start -up period, CCCC will absorb the ongoing costs of employing Career and Academic <br />Advisors in each of the service area's nine high schools. <br />Ability to Reach Thousands <br />Because student tuition costs are covered by the Career and College Promise, there are no <br />predetermined limits on the number of students who may benefit from this project All high <br />school juniors and seniors may be considered for CCP eligibility, and there are approximately <br />4800 students in these grade levels in the tri- county area. Career and Academic Advisors, <br />however, will also work concertedly with freshmen and sophomores, as they begin to define <br />their four -year enrollment plans. <br />In this sense, the project will offer ongoing service to all of the tri -county area's 10,000+ high <br />school students. <br />Support for College Transfer and Career /Technical Pathway <br />Under the Career and College Promise, students wishing to pursue four -year degrees will select <br />courses within one of four Transfer Pathways: Humanities and Social Science, Business and <br />Economics, Life and Health Sciences, and Engineering and Mathematics. All courses pursued <br />within these pathways are guaranteed to transfer to any of the 16 campuses of the University of <br />North Carolina system, as well as to 24 of the state's private universities. <br />Students with interest in pursuing Career and Technical Education (CTE) will benefit equally <br />from this project Each county offers multiple CTE Pathways leading toward a certificate, <br />diploma, or A.A.S. degree in such fields as Early Childhood Education, Industrial Systems <br />Technology, and Social Media and Marketing. <br />Academic and Career Advisors will work individually with students to determine which of these <br />Pathways - College Transfer or Career and Technical - aligns best with the student's interests and <br />goals. <br />Statewide Scalability <br />This project is designed to be adaptable and scalable for adoption by high schools and <br />community colleges statewide. A project website will contain information on design and <br />implementation, as well as Advisor training materials. The Interactive Advising Technologies <br />developed will also be open source, permitting adaptation to different systems' needs. <br />