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Agenda Package 10-7-13 Reg. Meeting
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Agenda Package 10-7-13 Reg. Meeting
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l.i <br />is requesting a separate budget for the SRO Program in order to keep expenses and revenues <br />separate. Action on this item was deferred at the August 19th meeting until the Sheriff (or staff) could <br />provide an update /report on the program. The proposal requested by the Sheriff's Department is for <br />$137,225 of which $40,000 would be supported by State drug asset funds and a transfer of $33,220 <br />from the Animal Control budget into the SRO budget. A difference of $86,404 is being requested from <br />the County to support this budget proposal if funding of $261,800 is received from the schools, and <br />$342,204 if funding is not received from the schools. A written report was provided to Commissioners, <br />from Sheriff Tracy Carter, detailing the SRO Program and an assignment of the s I each SRO is <br />working in. The report stated that all schools in Lee County currently have eith a permanent SRO <br />assigned to their campus or have an SRO that will be checking in daily with ea ool. The SRO will <br />also work extra security assignments at their base schools such as sportin a hich are paid for <br />by the school. After discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to approve requ m the Sheriff <br />for additional funding for the SRO Program in the amount of $342,204.00. "` °Upon a the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives ith, and Womack <br />Nay: None /1 ", <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unani ° Commissioner Womack asked <br />the County Manager to make every endeavor he could to seek reco of funding from the schools for <br />this program. <br />The Board considered a request from Sheriff's Departmen(to restore part-time salaries to <br />the equitable level of the last two budget year /01 on this item was deferred at the August 19th <br />meeting until more information could be provideon ing would be used. County Manager <br />John Crumpton outlined a letter provided to Comis ' ners ' uesting the restoring of part-time salary <br />to be the same consistent amount as in the previ s budget years. Sheriff Carter stated in his letter <br />that his office has had an increase in calls for se r ' ce every year and with the transfer of the Animal <br />Control Program and now the hool Resource O program there are even more demands being <br />placed on their existing se ' eriff Carter is r " uesting $70,000 in additional funds to support the <br />two part-time dispatcher ong the support of reserve deputies working court, civil division, patrol <br />and security for Com rs nos. A total of 7 to 8 bailiff's are needed each month for the two - <br />week long Superior Court ��`. ,�`F evil Division has 3 full -time and one part-time deputy to <br />handle the increase of civil ents and papers. Reserve deputies are assisting each month to <br />replace deputies out of work o . njuries, sickness, and annual leave. County Manager John <br />Crumpton re ended the Boa pprove funding one -half of the above request now and the other <br />half in th the Sheriff' "' udget is evaluated. After discussion, Commissioner Reives moved <br />to app a the reco ndation of the County Manager to approve one -half of the request ($35,000) at <br />this ' Upon a vot a results were as follows: <br />Aye: WiIrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />The Chman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a revised Lee County Communications Policy that had been deferred at <br />the August 19 meeting until it could be revised to address that appropriate notifications are submitted <br />to the County Manager or Clerk to the Board when State representatives and other dignitaries come to <br />the County. County Manager John Crumpton presented a revised Policy adding a paragraph to <br />address the above referenced notification. After discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to approve <br />the Revised Lee County Communications Policy as presented, and to add additional verbage in the first <br />3 <br />
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