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I - . w <br />U .) r' <br />2013 Annual Grant Award Page 2 of 10 <br />2. Purpose. The purpose of this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is to establish responsibilities and procedures to <br />implement the terms of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Fiscal <br />Year (FY) 2013 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program. A copy of the complete federal grant <br />instructions is available at http: / /www.fema,gov /government /grant /empg /. <br />This Agreement is to set forth terms by which the State of North Carolina, Department of Public Safety, North <br />Carolina Emergency Management (Grantor), shall provide Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) <br />Program funding to the County of Lee (Grantee) to complete all Universal and up to six Optional work activities as <br />identified in the 2013 EMPG Local Activity Directory which is a part of the 2013 EMPG application packet, <br />incorporated by reference herein. <br />In accordance with the provisions of FY 2013 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program, North <br />Carolina Emergency Management hereby awards to the foregoing Grantee a grant in the amount shown above. <br />The CFDA number is 97.042, and the Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) — Region IV funding <br />opportunity number is DHS- 13 -GPD- 042 - 004 -01. <br />3. Scope of Services to be rendered The purpose of the FY 2013 EMPG is to assist state and local governments in <br />enhancing and sustaining all- hazards emergency management capabilities. <br />4. Compensation Grantor agrees that it will pay the Grantee as complete and total compensation for the services to be <br />rendered by the Grantee. Payment to the Grantee for expenditures under this Agreement will be reimbursed after the <br />Grantee's cost report is submitted and approved for eligible work. The original signed copy of this Award and MOA <br />must be signed by the Official(s) authorized to sign below and returned to North Carolina Emergency Management no <br />later than November 6, 2013. The grant shall be effective upon return of the executed Grant Award and <br />Memorandum of Agreement and final approval by North Carolina Emergency Management of the grant budget <br />and program narrative. Grant funds will be disbursed (according to the approved project budget) upon receipt of <br />evidence that funds have been invoiced and products received and/or that funds have been expended (i.e., invoices, <br />contracts, itemized expenses, etc.) and/or that all Universal work activities and up to six Optional work activities are <br />completed. <br />Grantee will perform all Universal work activities and up to six Optional work activities identified in the 2013 EMPG <br />Local Activity Directory which is a part of the 2013 EMPG application packet, incorporated by reference herein. <br />5. FUNDING ELIGIBILTY CRITERIA: <br />• Federal funds administered through the State are available to local governments to assist in the cost of <br />developing and maintaining a "Comprehensive Emergency Management" program. Continued EMPG funding <br />is contingent upon completion of all EMPG funding requirements. The following eligibility criteria must be <br />adhered to during FY 2013 for EMPG funds. <br />Every participant must be established as an Emergency Management agency by appropriate county <br />resolution/ ordinance; <br />The county must have a full -time or part-time (at least 50 %) Emergency Management Program Director; <br />Match Requirement: FY 2013 EMPG funding to locals requires a match requirement of 50% Local (Grantee). <br />Every federal dollar received requires the Grantee to match dollar for dollar. There are two forms of matching <br />sources. One, cash match, includes cash spent for project - related costs, e.g. salaries of emergency <br />management positions. Two, in -kind match, includes, but is not limited to, the valuation of in -kind services. <br />"In -kind" is the value of something received or provided that does not have a cost associated with it. For <br />example, if in -kind match is permitted by law, then the value of donated services could be used to comply with <br />the match requirement. The match funding source for EMPG cannot be matched to any other federal grants. <br />The Grantee will identify to the Grantor the match source on EM Form 66. Recipients of EMPG funding can <br />review the 2013 EMPG Program Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), paragraph IV, Funding <br />Restrictions for additional guidance. FEMA administers cost matching requirements in accordance <br />with 44 CFR §13.24 which is located at http:// www .access.gpo.goWnara /cfr/waisidx 07 /44cfrv1_07.html <br />or 2 CFR §215.23 which is located at http://www.access.gpo.goWnara/cfr/waisidx Contact <br />your NC Emergency Management Area Coordinator or Multi- Hazard Planner for assistance. <br />Complete any procurement(s) and expenditures no later than September 30, 2014. <br />